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As a regular reader, albeit infrequent commentor, I have often thought that more dramas should be reviewed and the selection of dramas to be reviewed should be the ones I pick!!

Yes I admit as a reader and fan of this website, I believed that I had the right to ask for all of the above. And then a brilliant thought occurred to me….how difficult could it be to write a review for heaven’s sake. All one has to do is have command of the language, an appreciation or interest in the drama and give one’s opinion. How tough is that?

So following that rather shallow line of thinking, I emailed the folks that run this website and asked for them to review or overview the dramas that are coming up this season.  Received a very timely and pleasant response from Faraz informing me of the reasons why they couldn’t review every drama that was coming up. So (heh-heh) I volunteered to review a drama or two and again received a gracious response outlining basic guidelines and offering that I review Virasaat. Wow! I couldn’t believe that I was being given a drama that seemed to have all the makings of a megahit—what with Faisal Qureshi in an unusal role and Savera Nadeem. Yay! I hit the jackpot. This was going to be a breeze.

So very confidently I started watching the first episode of Virasat today and had my notepad ready to write the review. My thoughts-10 minutes max-email and be done.

First glitch…couldn’t catch the names of the main characters-no problem -rewind and replay. OK got the name of Faisal’s character but then along came an onslaught of a dizzying array of characters and I just couldn’t keep track of who was who and what their role was in the drama and why were there so many of them.
20 minutes into the episode I was so exhausted, I had to take a nap. Woke up-started a fresh and this time lasted 5 minutes and needed another nap.

And that is when I realized how hard reviewers work…..and how little people like myself understand the dynamics of what it takes to write a review. And let us all remember that this is all voluntary—the reviewers don’t get paid. They do it because they have a passion for the field of Pakistani dramas and take time out of their busy lives to write what I consider incredibly insightful reviews for us the readers.

So think you want to be a reviewer?? Give it a shot……you will develop a serious appreciation for the talented folks that write tremendous reviews week after week for readers like you and me.

Kudos to all the reviewers on this website….you do a phenomenal job.

Thank you, gracias, merci, danke schön, and Shukria. (isn’t Google fabulous?)
Written by Veslam 2009

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