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Ok! Here comes umera Ahmed the writer who shares my entire name with an extra “A”.

This was not a very tricky one predictably since she has written so much that it is very easy to decipher her writings in to her personality. One important thing this is just an insight in to an interesting philanthropic technique. This can all be wrong and nothing is aimed at hurting any one’s feelings.

1.            It is fairly simple to see the physical appearance of a writer from his/her writings. The way she depicts the characters of her age says it all. Umera is a very simple looking lady who is least bothered by her looks. She rather harbors a strong emotion towards the “beauty Queen” and “Glamorous” girls. She obviously has faced situations in her life where people mistook her from her looks and she has tried in many stories to prove this point that looks of a person mean nothing.

2.            She is always dressed in very respectable eastern clothing. She also wears a scarf /dupatta. Either way her head is covered all the times. She wears minimal make up and actually shies away from formal gatherings where a mixed gathering is involved. Her favorite colors are black and white. And this color choice actually reveals a fairly important trait in her life. She is an extremist in her behaviors and emotions whether they are positive or negative.

3.            She has a strong feeling that people in this world normally deceive and she does not trust her own judgment about people that often. She has some bitter experiences in this regard and she does not believe in the “presumption of innocence”. For her the statement is quite simple “it is not wise to trust a man till the time he proves himself worthy of his trust”.

4.            She is a very Introvert person (how much evident it is). She never likes to share her thoughts with anyone else. Because in the bottom of her heart she feels insecure with other people that’s why she is not willing to open her life or her mind to strangers. She never likes to become a celebrity or a very important public figure. She is one of the kinds who like that mystical sustain surrounds them all the time so people are never able to tear them apart. She normally capsulate herself “her original self” and never lets any one see her because she treasures herself a lot.

5.            She is extremely self assured and confident. She believes in herself and her abilities more than anything in the world. In psychological terms these sorts of people are very special all the famous historical leaders and personalities share this trait. The problem is this makes them very vulnerable to vanity because at times they become so self possessed they refuse to acknowledge any one else’s talent. This can result in sever break downs at times too.

6.            She is very serious and never likes to be humiliating others even in a comical manner or be humiliated by them. Her personality is too valuable to her that she places it on the expense of some else’s jokes. That’s why she always keeps relations in their limits and loves to spend most of her time with herself at her home.

7.            She has a very cyclonic personality. In Freudian terms this sort of personality is of the people who are not constant minded. She cannot limit or restrict herself to one field. She loves new challenges and once she has achieved prowess in one thing she doesn’t like to keep doing it again.

8.            She always likes to portray her stronger self in from of others. She never likes them to see her weaker side. She always poses as a strong self assured woman who knows everything that’s happening around him even if it is not the case.

9.            She is not a writer but a thinker. Pakistan has had some excellent thinking writers and she is by far among the greatest names. Her actual field is philosophy not fiction. She is yet to realize this but the day she stops writing stories and starts writing her philosophical theories in a proper shape. She will be carving gem stones. She might not be as much popular among the masses. But undoubtedly she has the potential to be reckoned among great philosophers like “Hegel” or “John Locke”. (This is not an over statement)

10.          She is unmarried and has never been in a relationship. I know! Many of you will be crying from where in her writings we can see that. But believe me it’s very evident , I admit she has written some excellent stuff regarding human emotions and marital facts but look closely and you will find that no matter how real but her perspective is always of an outsider, it’s a third person who is narrating not the first person never the first person. This gives way the fact that despite being close observant of many relationships she has never been in one (I am talking about Love or affectation).


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Umera Ahmed : A pen picture