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Zaib is turning into that classic liberal caricature beloved of the conservative right .She is full of grand ideas and prescriptions for the poor on how to improve their lot in life but does not understand their concerns or limitations. She storms into Dilaver and his family’s life like a well-meaning bulldozer every episode with all kinds of advice without thinking through the implications. This week Dilaver’s mother and sister were beaten badly by their Chacha for reading the books Zaib gave them. Despite the dangerous neighborhood, despite Dilaver’s threats and the violent Chacha she is back again, risking her own safety and theirs. As a social worker she comes across as patronizing and almost bullying even though most of what she says is probably useful. I don’t know the actor who plays Dilaver but this week he actually seemed to have improved. For the last 8 or so episodes I had thought of him as a stock, almost cardboard portrait of a sullen young man but this week we happily saw some nuance.

Poor Mikaal is runs to her rescue one more time and is barely saved from being robbed at gunpoint. Yet Zaib is less than apologetic on the journey back and even Dilaver the delinquent feels Mikaal is getting a raw deal. Mikaal obviously cares deeply for Zaib but she just does not feel that spark of attraction for him. She keeps reassuring everyone that he is just a friend and at this point I can only feel bad for Mikaal who deserves better treatment. As usual Vassey Chauhdry and Amina Shaikh were brilliant. Their scenes are a must watch .When the whole ‘Rayan is getting a divorce ‘thing explodes in Zaib’s face she runs to Mikaal for advice and he says exactly the right thing, she needs to apologise to all the parties concerned. Regardless of their years of friendship and Mikaal’s opinion seems to have little or no weight with the headstrong Zaib, who always feels she knows better. I found myself comparing this conversation to the one Zaib has with Rayaan about “taqdeer’ which she immediately took to heart although she barely knew him.

The repercussions of Zaib’s words are still echoing in Bilal’s family. Muneeza is so upset of being the on accused of giving Zaib this information she threatens to leave for America on the next available flight. Shamim Hilali plays the perfect antidote to the interfering, possessive mother in law stereotypes regularly paraded across our screens. Her subtle, sensible advice to her daughter and non-interfering attitude is the kind that keeps families together. When Muneeza does confront Zaib, it seems Mikaal’s guess was absolutely correct. Rayaan IS going through a divorce, which their family had decided to keep secret. Natasha is positively gleeful at Zaib’s fall from grace in her in law’s eyes. Mira Sethi is doing great for her first outing but I have to say there have to be more expressions than just pouting or looking sullen ,isn’t that Dilaver’s job anyway?

Both sisters are so lost in their internal competition they don’t realise how much they are hurting other people. If Zaib was wrong in throwing that half-baked lie at Natasha she too was wrong in passing it on to her husband. Rayaan feels betrayed by Bilal and is sure he must have let the secret of his divorce out to the new in laws. Poor Bilal is left apologizing and picking up the pieces of Natasha’s ill-judged conversation. This episode might have been totally serious but for the conversation between Natasha and her mother, who just like the rest of the family cannot believe Zaib could possibly be in the wrong. It certainly made me smile.

Finally, despite being separated by continents and oceans, Zaib and Rayaan are interacting even if it is negatively.”Ooper sey khidmathey khaqwali banti hai ander sey akhlaqi tameez nahin hai “snaps an angry Rayaan about Zaib, while she calls him a “naqam ashiq” who got divorced. Quite funny actually, I am simply dying to know what will bring these two strong individuals together. I just hope they don’t tear apart their younger siblings in the process. This is  a pleasure to watch and I am waiting in excitement for the next episode each week. The director: Sheherazad Shaikh and all the actors have  done complete justice to this keenly observed script.

 Written  By -Sadaf


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Silvatein Episode 9