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While most of the previous episodes were amusing and well observed, today’s episode was comparatively serious. The episode begins with what is now becoming a bit of a repetitious game between Mikaal and Zaib in which they half tease each other about marriage. The viewer is left with the uneasy feeling that if one of them actually took the other seriously, things might reach a conclusion. Mikaal does seem to care for Zaib, rushing to save her from the delinquent (Dilaver) she so foolishly tries to meet on her own after he has already threatened her physically. Perhaps it is the old adage of familiarity breeds contempt or just that both are so scared of rejection they can never be clear. Either way, Wasey Chauhdry and Amina Shaikh are brilliant in conveying that emotional uncertainty and hesitation on screen.

After Bilal assured Natasha that he was more interested in her than an odd three minute telephone conversation he had with Zaib a few weeks ago, things have been a lot smoother between them. There are several rather sweet scenes which show what good chemistry Mira and Danyal have, I have to say they look adorable. So far most of the affection is on the Bilal side of the equation because he is so trusting and open hearted but it is definitely not one sided. Natasha is now making serious efforts to please her in laws: offering to help with Mahjabeen’s shopping and deciding to spend time with her mother in law rather than her parents, when Bilal leaves for the States.  However, as soon as he leaves the situation goes predictably downhill.

I am really undecided about Muneeza, is she really so mean spirited or just an idiot? What sense is there in ignoring your actual Bhabi and going for a “girl’s day out” with her older sister? Then again what kind of a sister agrees to such an event without actually informing her sibling, and then proceeds to make fun of her in her absence. Natasha is fully justified in her grievance despite her mother and mother in laws dismissal of the matter. Maheen Rizvi is doing an adequate job but at times she seems to be a little hyper for a woman who has had the responsibility of home and family for a few years. If anything Natasha seemed the calmer one in this episode. Zaib is so worried about the juvenile delinquent she is assigned to but cannot spend time mending her relationship with her sister. I think the contrast between the two sets of siblings was even more sharply defined in today’s episode. Bilal’s family may have their problems but they seem to love and respect each other, whereas Natasha and Zaib are in a constant battle.

There were two very interesting conversations in today’s episode, the first of which was between Zaib and Rayaan. Disturbed by Dilaver’s threats Zaib falls into a conversation with Rayaan about “kismet” and how what is meant to happen will happen despite our wishes. After Mikaal saves her, Zaib explains this is what inspired her to such an action. Which leads to another interesting conversation: Mikaal says “vo apni shadi mein khush nahin Hai”. According to Mikaal whenever a married man starts talking about Kismet etc.. It is a sign of unhappiness and that men are quite capable of acting normally even if their marriage is falling apart. Suddenly Mahjabeen absence at the wedding and the way Muneeza asks Bilal to do Mahjabeen’s shopping otherwise “batey sunaaey gi” seem to take on a different significance all together. I have been waiting for this Rayaan/Zaib track to begin and I hope that now we are at Episode 7 it does not take any longer. I am really enjoying this serial, it is well directed, well-acted and well edited, so I really hope the narrative does not slow down.

 Written by Sadaf


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Silvatein Episode 7