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I was not going to write a review this week but I felt perhaps I am letting Silvatein’s many fans down . Perhaps they have something to say something to share and I am denying them the forum . Personally I am disheartened to see such a promising serial wind down this way . It seems as if the director lost hold of the narrative sometime ago we are still going round in circles . So tis is not a review it is a comment .

for the last three to four episodes this has been the Natasha show . It seems that she has some special power with which she manages to control everyone . This is so reminiscent of the worst kind of soap opera and so unworthy of the previous episodes that I am at a loss to find an explanation for it . You might say she got some kind of Comeuppance this week in that she miscarried her second child but her character still has not learnt anything , Losing a child is a horrible traumatic experience that never leaves a woman and what surprised me was the lack of reflection or introspection such a serious event induces in  Natasha . Samira Fazal has set the bar so high in her other serials which make s the disappointment even more keenly felt.

Zaib and Rayaan are having a fight and separation over literally nothing . It seems to defy logic that these two sensible , mature characters are fighting over Zaib being more relaxed in Her friend’s company than at home where  she is under great pressure from her sister Natasha . Great job done by all the actors  ,so hanging in there to see how everything finally winds up .

Written By Sadaf



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Silvatein – Episode 23