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I am not exactly sure if this week’s episode was worth a review, as the story did not seem to move forward at all . If ever there was a filler episode this was it . Having said: that great acting and great direction . In fact the actual script is still very good but the narrative is just not moving forward . Natasha is her bad old self conniving against Zaib and convinced of her own victim hood . Zaib is a very determined plaster saint and at this point, all that is left for us is to light a votive in front of her picture . If the juice does not taste right then don’t drink it ,I think one of our commentators pointed out last week. Bilal believes Natasha is mother Theresa in disguise and the girl’s parents are generally clueless. The only interesting thing to happen was Mikaal’s visit and Rayaan’s shift in attitude .

I cannot see any reason for inviting your ex fiance and his wife to dinner at your husband ‘s family home . Sure your husband might be playing it cool and act indifferent but it is a little hard to swallow for anyone. Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and Mahjabeen and her new husband were invited to dinner … tacky,  really tacky move on Zaib’s part . I mean what happened to moving forward with your life and respecting your husband’s feelings ? What exactly was that look on Rayaan’s face when he went off to receive a phone call ? Now he decides to get annoyed and jealous and listen to Natasha , now ?? After all this time ignoring her or seeing right through her every little plan . Sigh…. I am still enjoying this serial but I am not sure I have anything new left to say about it .


Written By Sadaf



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Silvatein – Episode 22