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This episode illustrates perfectly why I love Sameera Fazal; all the characters are well drawn and true to life. There is a little good and bad in each one and though most are well intentioned we can see the fault lines forming in each relationship. Fault lines that may lead to an eventually splintering of the smooth facades their lives present in the first episode. According to the end of the first episode there was a rishta from America for not so desperate Zaib.  I love Zaib, constantly reminded of her age and supposed lack of rishtas; she refuses to take the bait and become a “mazloom aurat” about the whole thing but deep down there is vulnerability despite all the self-affirmations and flippant dismissals. This is why Amna Shaikh is such a fabulous actress, anyone else might have made this most annoying character in the world but by the end of this week’s episode the viewer is firmly on her side. I may be wrong but despite her sensible façade I have the feeling Zaib is waiting to be swept of her feet, if only her work colleague would say something romantic or dramatic and when she phones her respective rishta Bilal she jumps for joy at his line about wanting a relationship and marrying a person rather than a decoration piece as in younger girl.

The Aunt /niece conversation about the ideal rishta was quite amusing. It is so human nature to contemplate only our own needs and considerations while looking for a potential match never mind what the other side might want. The conversation on the other side was quite interesting too, Bilal’s mother and sister are tired of looking at girls for him and this may be the greatest factor in their final decision. Maheen Rizvi is perfect as the confused sister after visiting Zaib’s family, she suggests rejecting the whole rishta out of hand because they had gone to see a Natasha and ended up seeing Zaib, and of course Zaib seems too old for her brother. Danyal Raheel as Bilal was another pleasant surprise, just loved him in this. It was good that they showed he was interested but not exactly bowled over at his first meeting with Zaib. I think the name confusion will turn out to be more important than just a source of confusion.

We found out a little about Natasha’s character too, she is a bit of a player leading on her “telephone boyfriend “without having any serious attachment to him. When he suggests marriage she has a fit and we can she really is in competition with her sister. Natasha doesn’t think Zaib “deserves” such a “good” rishta; a strange attitude for any sister to have. Like a lot of young women she really does not know what she wants.

I really enjoyed this episode and expecting great things from this serial, if I have one complaint it is the length of the scenes. Perhaps I too have become an adopted child of the digital age but I think a little more editing definitely in order. Apart from that I love the direction and look of this drama. All the actors are doing wonderful in their respective roles, not a weak link anywhere. At this point I am really waiting for Adeel Hassan’s entry. He and Amna have great screen chemistry and I have to admit that was one of the main reasons for wanting to watch this drama.

By Sadaf

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Silvatein Episode 2