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I was not going to write a review because I was busy but after watching such a great episode I just could not resist saying something . So this is not my usual standard review but something a little shorter , perhaps sharper and with due apologies a little random.

Is Zaib right or is Rayaan right?

We all have those one or two ‘difficult ‘people in our lives , we cannot ignore or abandon, no matter how much we want to . Most of the time these are difficult aunts or cousins or in laws , that  just cannot be pleased no matter what you do. But sometimes it is someone very close to you like a sibling  or a child: how do you deal with them ? The scholars and books on religion may tell us to be patient and treat them with love like Zaib or should we draw a line in the sand like Rayaan and let these people learn the hard way? Will Zaib’s sincere efforts soften Natasha’s heart or is it merely facilitating her bad behavior ,or worse preventing her from maturing at all? Would Rayaan’s tougher , sink or swim approach allow Natasha to grow or would she sink further into bitterness with every misfortune?

I really don’t want to go into the details of what Natasha did this episode but suffice to say I have to physically restrain myself from pressing the fast forward button . What an amazing piece of characterization this is by both Samira Fazal and Mira Sethi but it is incredibly wearing on the nerves. In my experience Zaib’s way only leads to more pain . We can see that Natasha is literally wearing Zaib’s self confidence down and Rayaan can see it too. Of course this “punishment ” Zaib is taking is in a form repentance for all the times she feels she let Natasha down . The problem with that scenario is it presumes that in all those past events Natasha was a naive and passive participant , which seems highly unlikely given her current attitude .

There were two very moving scenes in today’s episode. The first one when Zaib is crying alone in the bathroom while running the tap water trying to hide her pain from Rayaan . This is why Amina is such a great actress , she brought home all the pain and patience of trying to obtain some kind of redemption from the past that Zaib is feeling . The other was the scene where Rayaan tells them about his mother’s bad prognosis and Natasha insists Bilal will not go . Danyal Raheel and Adeel Hussain had me in tears . Maybe I am sentimental but I cannot imagine anyone telling me I cannot visit my dying mother . My apologies again for a short and perhaps random non review but I hope to make up for it next week .

Written  By -Sadaf


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Silvatein Episode 16