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Of tragedy and drifting apart.

This was a pivotal episode where both couples have to face life altering realities. Sehrish and Sham’s heart wrenching loss is colored by feelings of accusation and guilt whereas Ali and Sania’s financial struggle is creating fissures in an already stressed relationship.

As loving a couple as Sham and Sehrish are, with their quirks and individual personalities, this time I was found myself irritated with Sehrish’s immaturity and childishness. Surely someone who has been blessed after such a long time should have the good sense to heed the doctor’s and her husband’s advice seriously? Her disinterest in her own family and well being were a little hard to swallow. That whiny teenage rebelliousness was also rather unbecoming, though I suppose we are all human and fallible and own un-hemmed track pants.

Sehrish’s apology and accusation that ‘Sham was pushing her away was rather rushed. It would have done well to keep it to an apology and admission of guilt rather than a premature and melodramatic YOU ARE CUTTING ME OUT OF YOUR LIFE. See what I mean?

Though may I just say wasn’t Adeel Hussain terrific? His portrayal of the annoyed, distraught and wronged husband who has suffered a great loss was heart breaking. I wonder, however, if he feels any guilt for having offhandedly said “Agar aisa hi hai, to main bacche ke bagair….”His restraint and use of body language and gestures was well thought and controlled – it made your heart ache a little when he allows himself to truly express his feelings when talking to his mother.  “Clearly my sympathies (and heart!) lie with ‘Sham. 

Not only is he able to collect himself but is honest when he says that he finds it hard to forgive her. Healing takes time, and despite Ammi’s level headed advice about their need to lean on each other you can see that this moment will cause them to drift apart and even have ‘Sham turn to work as his supportive crutch – which Atif finds out much to his dismay.

On the other side, as Sania dusts of her certificates and begins the job hunt, Ali and his mother bemoan her stubbornness. Well, at least now it’s clear where all of Ali’s patriarchal bellowing and deceitful advice comes from – woh addi ho gai hai azaadi ki, locker apne naam kar lete, zevaar girvi rak lete use pata bhi nahin chalta –  to Ali’s credit he did no such thing even as he is waiting for Sania to fail. Although I found it a little surprising and not entirely credible that he didn’t know that his wife’s educational qualifications.  Really? In his era of bio data exchange, you would have at least had to glance at it. Clearly that is bringing his insecurities to surface and possibly causes a chink in his male armor.

How true is it that relegating ourselves to the role of mother, wife and bahu sucks us into a vortex of domesticity without much thought to ourselves? Even those of us who had working lives and interests before find ourselves doubting our abilities once we try and regain that foothold, not to mention the guilt of leaving the home and kids in someone else’s care?

Sania’s character and job search bring these questions to the fore. I hope she succeeds in having her family give her at least a modicum of respect and support that she deserves.

As rifts between the couples begin to develop, let’s hope that the chasm they create aren’t insurmountable.

MM (aka A musing Muslim)

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Shuk Episode 7 Review