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How many ways can one say twisted train wreck tearing down the trodden TRP path towards a torturous death? Try saying that fast five times!

The only element of suspense Team Shukk can come up with is *plays ominous music and raises one eyebrow* Where will ‘Sham sleep tonight? Does he have his night suit (who says that for anyone over four?) and toothbrush? Dum dum dum *Fade to black*

Is it my imagination or is someone on Team Shukk  reading us? (Hi Samira!) The dialogues sound remarkably familiar to our comments and echo our well-worn sentiments and discussions about the loopholes and attempting to plug them in.

Ergo, the belated appearance of Sania’s Ammi who despite her dil dehloing so much at her daughters dilemma can’t be bothered to show up. Maybe Sania has more rejection and abandonment issues that we thought.

While Shamim Hilali has been sent in as a stand in for us to pull Sham’s ears, clearly she’s come minus her moorings to throw a lavish baby shower for a phantom baby complete with lascivious Aunties itching to dance with ‘Sham who were so busy showing that Auntyjis too can dance (sadly, not these ones) that not one of them asked nosy Parker questions about Rumi?

So yes now the tables have turned and Sania has morphed from Ms. Mazloomiyat to Ms Shakki complete with corny dialogues – You were smiling! I saw that look! And our delicate daisy (no, not Seherish) is getting all hot and bothered that she doesn’t trust him anymore and how Sania is turning into Seherish all over again turning his life into a Chakravyu vortex

With ‘Sham’s ego now stroked, he wants to turn Sania’s shukk into yakeen. I thought the man had a job though given that his brains are now out to pasture, it the most logical thing to do no? Also ‘ Sham, just so you know, a gentle reminder that its nine lives and four wives please not to confuse the two. Also note to the two of you you aren’t torturing each other, you are torturing us!

While the acting continues to be stellar, the characters are not. Also, what happened to our director sahib’s controlled hand? He’s now treading dangerously close to Indian soap opera territory and shot repetition!

Since I called out Immaculate Conception last week and my Peer Baba prowess is sharpening I have a very sneaky feeling that this story (or lack thereof) will go the Intersection way with a  dangling and dillydallying Sham out the picture with his two missus left to pick up the mess. I am now taking wagers and Team Shukk if it does, I’ll let you know where to send my royalty check.

So if you have an ace up your sleeve, time to pull it out. Now.

MM (aka A musing Muslim)

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Shuk Episode 24 Review