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What happens after a storm or tornado hits? A strange calm usually overtakes the place that had been a maelstrom of screaming winds and lashing rain. People start to survey the damage done. What can be salvaged, what is irreparable and must be replaced? Well a storm came to Falak’s life, she had heard it’s distant rumblings for sometime but found nowhere to hide from its unyielding force. Gone was her reliance on the little complacencies she had so cherished in her life. Her looks, her wealth, her education and her social position were nothing; they couldn’t guarantee the happiness, the security she craved. If last week’s episode was a visual delight, this week’s had a lot more dialogue and was for listening.”There is nothing left between us “she tells her Nanni. They speak of Allah and the lack of Allah’s presence in her life but not once does she blame Salman for her predicament. She sees her present crisis as the result of her own failings. How rare it is for humans to analyze themselves or ever admit that they might be the authors of their own misery. How much effort is spent on  a child’s education, the best schools, the best clothes and of course the best kind of rishta. Yet sometimes we neglect to school them in their relationship with Allah. I am sure Falak knows how to pray and probably has read the Quraan in Arabic; after all she lives in Pakistan. But when it comes to the actual problems of her life she seems to have no spiritual underpinning to deal with them. She admits her greatest mistake was forgetting Allah and her Nanni reassures her that it is never too late.

It’s funny how when people get married they often forget the close friends they had when they were single. I think this is particularly true for women because we are told since day one,concentrate on pleasing your husband, mold yourself to his wishes to preserve your marriage don’t be distracted by friends or even your own family. This is so prevalent in our society that it is presented as a virtue in itself.So now that Falak is alone again; her real friends Rushna and Hamza come and visit her. To commiserate, to soothe to advise.But each time Falak refuses to listen and refuses to blame Salman for her present predicament. I found this rather inspiring, often women and Men in this situation wallow in their misery and spend their energy on tearing down the cheating spouse. Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade but the best revenge is always to live well and I think Falak is on her way.It was funny the way people keep offering to take her to a psychologist because she wants to rely on Allah.I suppose it takes us right back to the Sufi saints who forsook the material comforts of this world and were considered mad. I cannot say that I enjoyed the scene with Falak rubbing wet sand over her face , It didn’t do anything for me but what did were the flash backs to all the ceremonies and milestones of her life with Salman ,which she had thought would anchor him to her but never did.We are all guilty of this. How much importance do we as a society give to birthday gifts and anniversary parties as a proof of our own importance? Lavish weddings and poor marital relationships are becoming a norm, with much higher divorce rates

On a lighter note, I was horribly jealous of Falak’s wardrobe and the way Mahira floated around looking beautiful in those amazing suites. Now, I thought, the glamorous part is over and my heart will be at ease. No such luck. Despite the lack of Makeup and the simple cotton suites she still looks amazing. This entire serial is giving me a severe inferiority complex, does no one have a bad hair day or forget to match their shirt and tie in this world? Why does Mikaal have to look so perfect every time I see him, does he even sweat like us ordinary mortals? Even their servant is asking more intelligent questions than me (with Nani in a earlier episode). I guess this is MY azmaish  :)

The most memorable and perhaps most heartwarming scene for me was with Hamza. I freely admit to weeping through it’s entirety. Mohib Mirza is ideal as Hamza,such a talented actor. When He asks Falak to leave Salman and how he will treat her I almost wished she agreed. But Falak’s character shows a great deal of principle and decency by reminding him gently that she is still committed to Salman and he (Humza) must honor his commitment to his new fiance.That entire scene blew me away both Mahira and Mohib were amazing. We are constantly bombarded with messages from the media that we should listen to or follow our hearts. But what if our heart wants something patently bad, something that is not honorable,something that hurts those we love. What a great change has come about in Falak who always followed her desires.

I have sometimes complained that while I love watching a serial written by Umera Ahmed, her characters are too absolute, just black or white with no nuance. Well I might have felt that for MAAT and MZZBN (both great in their own right) but I am beginning to change my mind. After watching Qaid E Tanhai and now Sheher E Zaat I feel a strong element of compassion in her work. In any other story Falak would have been the villainous, demanding, arrogant first wife while Tabinda would have been the unassuming heroine,who soothes an ill treated husband’s heart. I am a little disappointed with the way Tabinda has been presented, couldn’t she just have been an ordinary girl overwhelmed by Salman’s wealth and looks? But Umera Ahmed is a deeper thinker than me, so Tabinda is something more. Perhaps even a character building test for Salman. Overall this was a good episode which may not have moved the story on but showed Falaks growing self awareness. To finish let me quote a poem I was forced to learn in High school by my well meaning English teacher:

“…..the small, the scorching ordeals which fire one’s irresolute clay…”….

Written by Sadaf~  


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Shehr-e Zaat Episode 14