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Shab E Arzoo Ka Aalam Episode 4 Review


Before starting the review, I want to wish a very Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers across the globe. To all the mothers who are reading my review and to all the mothers of the dramapakistani.net readers and reviewers. You make our world beautiful.

Coming back to the review, in my last review, a reader had commented saying they find Armeena Rana Khan’s acting fake, at that time I didn’t agree with them because I thought she wasn’t that bad, but after watching this week’s episode, sadly, I will have to agree with them. She lacks that gehraai in her acting.

Coming back to the episode, the story is moving forward and Dawood and Kiran are getting closer, they are getting to know each other better. There were some absolutely heart warming scenes between Dawood and Kiran. My favourite being the scene where Dawood and Kiran are on an unofficial coffee date and Kiran tells him, “tum hanste huye bahut acche lagte ho”. May I add that I agree with Kiran that Dawood really looks cute when he smiles? :)

The episode also shed light on why Dawood is a rebel. Sending your child to a boarding school is always a tough decision for the parents, some children take it well and some don’t. Dawood falls in the latter category. He always felt neglected by his parents and siblings hence the baghawati tevar. But it seems Kiran knowingly or unknowingly has made it a mission to make Dawood realize the importance of parents for a child. Since she lost her parents at a very young age, it’s obvious that she understands the importance of parents. We fight with our parents, we disrespect them and think they are against us, they don’t love us and blah blah, but it’s the parents who will always stand by us through thick and thin. Dawood is slowly realizing this, it will take time for him to forgive his father but he sure loves his mother. The scene where he dusts the soil off his mother’s hands was SO beautiful, it made me emotional. The actor who plays his mother (can someone tell me her real name?)  made the scene worth a million bucks, a son that never cared for her is suddenly so worried and concerned about her.

Qazi Wajid as Kiran’s grandfather is so adorable, I wish I had a grandfather like him, my paternal grandfather died before I was born, so when I see him I imagine how my paternal grandfather would have like had he been alive today. Whenever he is on screen, I can’t stop myself from awww-ing.

Overall, this was a good and well-paced episode, though I do wish Armeena Rana Khan steps up her game and be more expressive. In the scenes where she is with her on screen sister Sarah, the latter has better facial expressions. Armeena reminds me of Katrina Kaif sometimes, a girl with a beautiful face and endearing personality with limited acting skills. It is Mohib Mirza who makes the show worth watching.  Yes, I praised him in my last review and can’t stop doing so in this review either. Oh before I end the review, I did not miss the background music from Dil-e-Muztar. :)

Written by Deepika

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Shab E Arzoo Ka Aalam Episode 4 Review