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The story as usual is moving forward slowly, Kiran with a heavy heart has parted ways with Dawood on latter’s mother’s behest. I was waiting for Dawood to find out the reason behind her sudden disappearance from his life, from the city but I think that is going to take time. When two people are madly in love with each other, who have imagined their future together, it is very painful to see them parting ways and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Dawood, upon returning from Malaysia the poor chap has been frantically searching for Kiran in every possible place, meeting each and every person who knew her but so far everything is going in vain.

I wish Shireen had not been so selfish and stood up for her son, she can clearly see that it is next to impossible for Dawood to imagine his future with someone else other than Kiran. She is and most likely will always be the love of his life. I do not want to use this word for a mother but her act was cowardly, she could have explained to Salman that letting Dawood marry Kiran is going to be the best decision ever for their son but she decided otherwise because of his temperament.

Kiran, on the other hand is equally hurt and missing Dawood, even her brother is noticing changes in her behaviour and for some reason I hope she confides in him because it is eating her up inside, she does not even have Sarah around to share her problems.

Mohib Mirza was fantastic in episode 16, it seemed as if he actually going through all the emotions, the dreaded heartbreak. Armeena Rana Khan was plain and boring as always (btw  who is her makeup artist? Sometimes, her makeup is just too bad). Direction was however not so bad, let’s see what the next episode has in store for us.

Written by Deepika

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Shab E Arzoo Ka Aalam Episode 15 &16