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Weeda aka Murad aka Waheed Murad, a dancing girl’s son and a struggling artist from Bhains Colony, might never become a heartthrob of millions à lahis legendary namesake, but this week he managed to win not only Sanjha’s heart, but those of the viewers’ as well. Imran Aslam has been steady throughout, but with this episode he came into his own. Watch out Faisal Qureshi and Fahad Mustafa, there’s another actor in town now.

Episode 11 opens with Weeda being tormented by his insecurity and jealousy due to his perceived inability to compete with the “hero doctor,” the subject of Sanjha’s youthful adoration. Nonetheless, he is forced to re-evaluate his low opinion of Dr. Ammar when, despite their previous heated encounter, he informs Weeda of his pending interview for admission to a prestigious art school. And, at the end of the episode, it is at this interview that we see some of best lines of the serial so far. As the smug interviewers poke fun at his filmy name, his less than prestigious address, and his absentee father’s name, a disillusioned Weeda stands up to walk out, but before leaving he angrily turns around to tersely etch out the bare bone facts of his life, asking for no sympathy and offering no apology whatsoever for his less than humble background. With his words he paints a picture of the ugly underbelly of the life outside of the bubble they live in, the shell-shocked look on the interviewers’ faces is proof that his jibes have hit home.

The reason I dwell on this scene is because for me this monologue marks the coming of age of Imran Aslam the actor. From the controlled anger and raw emotion he delivers here, to the tenderness and sensitivity he displays with a beautifully naïve Sanjha, when he professes his love for her, Imran showcases his range of emotions beautifully. This role is tailor-made for him and Imran does not disappoint. Matching him at every step is Suhaee as Sanjha. When she asks Weeda to hide her from the big bad world and protect her, it is easy to forget that this is an actress, that too a newcomer, playing a fictional character.

Overall, this was yet another excellent episode. For those of us who had thought the story slow-paced, the narrative picked up speed this week and we saw the hapless Nasim move one step closer to finding Sanjha. The heated interaction between a volatile Mumtaz and a relatively healthier Shabo hinted at past rivalries and lost loves, complicating the tense relationship between these two aging rivals. This week also saw the introduction of Eshita Mehboob, as a student in the arts college, adding to the galaxy of stars already on display here. I, for one, am now waiting to see when and in what role will we see Nauman Ejaz make his entry. Kudos to the director Farooq Rind for keeping the suspense alive – looking forward to the next episode!


Written by S Z ~


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Sanjha Episode 11 Review