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Let me tell you one thing straight !This one is the worst drama to write a review for!!!!!!

It is very tough to be objective in reviewing this Production Since it is just so extraordinary one can not be biased one way or the other, But to try my hand on it,I will present both the sides distinctively

First Opinion


This drama proves one thing for the fact( and it is the only uncontroversial thing) Hina Dilpazeer comes out to be the most talented and powerful actress on paksitan television by far. She has a lot to her credit previously but this one certainly puts her in another league

  1. This drama is devoid of everything that is the usual fall of a drama nowadays
  2. The acting is a a spot on match, Hina dilpazeer is abley supported by Uroosa siddiqui while badar khalil has pulled out yet       another top notch performance.
  3. Language,oh My God finally we have a drama where we can listen to some decent urdu after all these years. Strangely it is the only show where we don’t have the urdu english  mix that we usually hear in a lot of Dramas what a superb feel it is to listen to the hyderabadi language once again. I would certainly declare the language to be truly match less
  4. Dialogues! Again the drama is way ahead of all the others. The comic sentences actually have the punch while the lines are never flat. The magic is spread evenly here and there every now and then we see one of the characters pull off a real mind blwing sentence.
  5. Culture, This drama is a true remorse of a typical immigrant family culture.The dehli walla culture is on screen and it is so delightful. while the tenants family is bengali and relativley frsh to screen. one falls in love immediately to both of them…
  6. No Palagarism! This is again a very unique distinction in paksitani plays now a days. The theme of QSKB is certainly unique and original

Characterization! the characters are totally wonderful again. the central characters are so lively they just flare up your screen whenever they are on it Khajista, Badrqa and Aqila in particular(the name selecetion is another minute detail which is picture perfect)

Editing ! i think the editor has certainly done a marvellous job. Is is specially evident by all the scenes where Hina Dil Pazeer is alone playing the two conversant and the one in first episode between badriqa and her mother talking about rishta was probably the best of them


QSKB is perhaps the worst debacle that paksitani Tv screens have ever seen

Technically this drama is good but is the technique all that matters. It used to be a bit more for media productions. The Content matters too and in this domain this drama blows you sixes and sevens.
This is by far the most cheap content ever produced. It seems like a propaganda drive in paksitni TV channels to directly attack our values and culture and portray us  as a nation without morals.
Suddenly The issue of Womanly men has become so popular in our drama writers that it seems to be the biggest problem we have(Even Indian movies are better in this regard! atleast they do it sporadically)

Extra Marital Affairs have been super hit now a days but this drama takes them to another level The whole chahracter of ROOH AFZA is a slap on paksitani family system and the worst portrayal of a wife ever seen

And if this all this was not enough This play brings another tradition on paksitani TV channels.  Direct Hitting on other media personalities to produce some funny moments

Umera Ahmed! SAhir Lodhi ! PTV Dramas ! Hum TV ! are the only few victims that has been used to dig out some Humour on their expanse

Hina Dilpazeer’s all characters are abnormal( actually this is a very famous acting technique by Stanislavsky ! if you want to portray more than one character portray them in such physically distinct way that they can not be related and best way to do this is to physically deform them in different ways. Hina has followed it to perfection) no matter how well acted they are, The question is what impact they have on society..

I dont know what this play is aimed at!!! but it certainly looks like a Kamikazee bomber heading towards paksitani society

I think this is the neon sign that paksitani dramas have gone too far and in an islamic state this sort of immoral and unethical content is simply unbearable ! people stopped Maya Khan through on line petitions and i think this play deserves one



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