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Another Tuesday another episode of Pyare Afzal . I think I went overboard with the praise last week and now I have to take some of it back . In general this was a good episode : the story moved forward and I got to see some of Mehtab but dthere were some drag factors this week . All the scenes a involving Afzal’s family are nicely edited , well acted and  great viewing . Hamza  Is fantastic as Afzal and makes  his character a hero even when he is in the wrong . It’s those two awful sisters Lubna and Farah that worry me . I know Afzal is a bad boy but does he really deserve Farah ?images (85) As a rule I like strong female characters and that is one of the reasons I liked Manjali. Farah seemed such a promising character , she didn’t want to marry Mehtab because he had no job or any skills and was happy to rely on his inheritance for the rest of his life . I thought: here is a girl with sense and principles, but this week she seemed a little crazy . The long convoluted conversations between Lubna and Farah hurt my ears , especially Lubna’s ilogical leaps and assumptions .I think I am supposed to find all this cute and ingenuous but all it did was force me to press the fast forward button . I know Khalil Ur Rahman is a fantastic script writer but as Drama Buff says a little more showing and  lot less telling would have been useful here. images (84)

Ok I cannot believe that Lubna has actually pushed her sister on the road to marrying Afzal , but so far the evidence points to it . I though she was the one writing Afzal the love letters but now she has named him as her sister’s secret  love it doesn’t seem likely . so far these sisters are the most annoying part of this drama . I really hope they don’t ruin it . Everyone else has done such a good job that it seems unfair.

Afzal has lost his job but his eloquent parting speech declaring his innocence may well have convinced his oss to be his Father in law . Does that happen ? Can that Happen ? Ok truth is stranger than Fiction  so why not , if every premise in every drama was deeply scrutinized it might not hold up either.so I see a storm brewing in which Charming but newly reformed Afzal gets to marry Farah who he thinks( and Farah thinks) he is not worthy of . I tremble for Afzal , what a price to pay for smoking a little weed and a few Cricket games … Then again a strong willed , high principled Farah without her awful sister Lubna might be the making of him .

written by Sadaf




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Pyarey Afzal: episode 4 review