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…Ek shahanshah nay daulat ka sahaara laykar
humm gharibon ki mohabat ka uraya hai mazaaq…

(translation: An emperor on the strength of wealth, Has played with us a cruel joke. )

Afzal’s friend poetry readings always underline or indicate a shift or an important momentum in the story’s progression. It’s the second time, writer Khalil-ur-Rehman has employed Sahir Ludhianvi’s beautiful woven poetry and introduced it to the narrative. I am assuming the poetry has very symbolic undertones to the connections of events about to occur.

The Shiekh sisters, Lubna and Farah have found an amusement, a distraction of sort in Afazal from their current situation. He might be “lofar, lafanga and number one kamchoor,” so far removed from the image they both have of the perfect man they both deserve and should have. Still, he intrigues them and they watch him, anticipate his next move and almost tease themselves with ideas surrounding his sudden and important existence in their lives.

The latest episode picks off from where last one was left off. After the sister’s mother informs them of their father’s noble intensions of meeting Farah’s suitor, a name is demanded and Lubna seemingly under pressure breathes Afzal’s name. While Farah pretends to fake faint (the scene a bit too dramatic for my eyes), poor Lubna ends up suffering a theatrical slap from Farah for conjoining her name with “lofer lafanga Afzal.” The miscommunication is cleared soon after but the result is that; the phooljhari of praises and sound explanation Lubna provides to Farah about Afzal suddenly intrigues her. In almost a filmy manner, we are also shown, the sisters separately thinking about Afzal. The question still remains: did Lubna write those letters or there is another mysterious women out there?

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Hamza Ali Abassi continued on the path to impress me with his fantastic potrayl of Afzal. While the sisters are dealing with their created crisis, Afzal is undergoing his own identity cleansing. This time Afzal is adamant that he is going to continue being on the path of “Sirat-e-Mustaqeem.” I was pleasantly surprised to see that Afzal has been awarded a strong character certificate, but is it enough to get him a job without sifarish? Shiekh Sahab ridden with guilt after figuring out the scheme by Miss Rozi, offers an apology to Afzal as well as his job back. Afzal in good spirits refuses this offer. He is resolute in living up to his promise of becoming a better person through his own abilities. Soon Afzal learns that a common man in Pakistan, without big and mighty connections can be harassed in such humiliating manner.  Afzal refuses to give up however the poor guy’s lunch is interrupted by the crazy and lunatic Shiekh sisters. I am so intrigued to find out what do they want from the poor soul?

One of my favorite scenes from today’s episode was the short conversation between Afzal and his sister when she finds the key to his closet yet decides not to open the door and read all the letters. The trust that Afzal has over his sister and how she understands no matter what faltoo kartood her brother does, he does has a sense of self and will be loyal to her and her promise and in turn she doesn’t break his trust. It is heartwarming to see such a beautiful relationship played out on screen both in terms of chemistry and portrayal. Well done to both the wonderful actors.

Pyare Afzal is fast becoming a guilty pleasure. I don’t seek any hidden deep messages in it. It is testament of a entertaining story, told in a very Pakistani manner. The background music compliments the scenes, the editing is crisp and clear and the drama is moving at a pleasant pace. There isn’t much to complain as of yet, hope the momentum continues. Thanks Pyare Afzal team for hooking me and making me very intrigued till now.



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Pyare Afzal- Episode 5 Review