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Numm Episode 16 Review: Pendulum

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Wali’s feelings for Mehjabeen can be best described as a pendulum, except the pendulum has a weight hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely backward and forward BUT in our hero’s case that fixed point is non-existent. Wali’s feelings for Mehjabeen change so often and in blink of an eye, giving us the viewers almost seizures from the sudden change of heart and feelings. One minute Wali can’t stand Mehjabeen. In the next moment she becomes the subject of his affection, then in a blink of an eye she is all the cause and trouble of his life. Similar treatment is given to Mejhabeen’s character as well. Wali is her prized possession, he is our son, back to possession, lover, no he is her knight in shining armor…and this is where Numm is lost on me. As a viewer I want to sympathize with Wali, Mejhabeen, Neelum and their predicaments. I am just not sure whose vision of character I am suppose to follow, the writers, the directors or the editors? Bottom line: there is no one clear vision for each character nor their traits, feelings or emotions. We are on episode 16 and we still have little idea as to what has occurred in the past. As a viewer I just want the story to move forward already!images (24)

In the overall scheme of things, this was yet another filler episode and an extension to the last one. Bare Sahab has realized the brunt of his mistakes in letting Wali be in charge of estate issues and is trying his best to undo the damage. One driving factor of Numm right now is Usman Peerzada’s seasoned acting and his uncanny skill to drive bare sahab’s character to the forefront of the conflict. At least one understands bare sahib’s motivations clearly.images (32) His two sons went against his decisions and paid the price with their life. He couldn’t control them and now he is inflicting all of that control on Wali. He is also the only character who I feel sees through Mehjabeen. Mehjabeen might think she is all innocent and has paid the price heavily. However there has been little time given to her in showing how she was also cause of trouble in most of what has occurred in Bakht household. I am not implying that whatever happened to Mejhabeen is right but then we as viewers have been given little to sympathize with Mejhabeen to begin with. Her son offers her a way out of this life, Wali agrees on freeing her from her burden including giving her property and a dignified way out of bloodshed that is about to occur. She still chooses to stay. Well then…

The time passing in Numm is also a bit umm interesting. Neelum is all of a sudden 6 months pregnant and it is a little hard to imagine her sitting in peace, not seeing Wali for that long. The less said about Neelum and the motley gang the better. The only update is that there is no update. We are still on same page about Neelum’s family.

The accolades should go to last scene of the episode. It was done so comically and in such an Indian thriller style that well… but it did drive me to be a bit curious to find out if the two love bird married when they did the deed. Was Mehjabeen that innocent?

until next time guys!



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Numm Episode 16 Review: Pendulum