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Numm Episode 15 review : Storm in a teacup

A lot happened in this episode most of it was fairly predictable. The Wali / Qasim confrontation should have been the most powerful scene but it wasn’t. Fawad kept his end of the equation up magnificently listening and responding as Wali Bakht should, with anger, then shock, then horror at his own part in Qasim’s sad life. Sadly the actor playing Qasim could not quite carry it off. This was solidly Fawad Khan’s episode and as usual with his charisma, star power or whatever you want to call it he managed to make this episode a little more interesting than it deserved



So Wali Bakht is finally waking up to the reality of his life and making good changes. That Oxford education finally paid off as he gives both his wives their inheritances. Neelam is old enough to take care of her business and Mahjabeen will be given what Wali believes is her right plus the land left by Amtul, I suppose because she did Amptul’s job. I think the best scene for me had to be Wali coming across Salima and Mahjabeen talking about the situation. He wants to communicate but as usual finds it difficult to talk directly to Mahjabeen. It is Mahjabeen, who asks in a trembling voice if she is allowed to meet Qasim. When Wali reassures her that she doesn’t need his permission to do anything Mahjabeen is almost hysterical with relief. Finally the good actress that is Sanya Saeed came out. I wonder if this is also Wali’s final realization of the distance between him and Mahjabeen. He tells Barrey Saheb that the return of Mahjabeen’s land is a husband returning the love of his wife but I think it is the beginning of the end of this forced relationship.

The way Wali goes to check on a sleeping Neelam after Qasim’s revelations makes me think his character is trying to come to terms with this complex situation. Neelam’s character also seems to be growing smarter by the minute, refusing to take Barrey Saheb’s bait about Wali going to the house while Mahjabeen is there. Although she is curious about Qasim, she seems a lot less insecure about Wali .images (20)and Mahjabeen. As I said a lot happened in this episode and there was a lot of Fawad which for me as a Fan was great but this is not the exciting drama that I had thought it might be around episode 3 or 4. Somehow the director has not built up the dramatic tension required for this above average story.

The  most confusing part  of this Drama really is Mahjabeen’s character. What should have been the lynchpin has turned out to be a weak link. On one hand she roams around Lahore doing her shopping, meeting Qasim and does not feel the slightest need to ask Barrey Saheb for permission to come or go; while on the other, she is trembling like a leaf in front of Wali’s basically powerless teenage bride. She is rude to the point of arrogance to the servants but becomes a  frightened kitten with pleading eyes as soon as a male Bakht walks by. Her son and she have suffered separation and humiliation but Neelam losing her father, Wali losing both parents in a situation caused directly by her are just nothing.  Not to mention the rather distasteful realization for Wali that he is his own cousin’s Step Father. A real twist in the tale and something closer to the pain and reality of this terrible tradition would have been if Mahjabeen had married Barey Saheb. I have met yet another person on line who insists I dont understand Ms Mahjabeen and her ” sacrifices” but I would beg to differ and say I understand her character differently. images (9)

I really think it is time writers moved on from showing women as quiet ,helpless creatures  who  take what is given . I can see  why a lot of people find this kind of character attractive …if she is helpless then she is blameless but this surrender of agency does not  remove responsibility.I find Wali and Mahjabeen’s relationship borderline abusive, except I am not sure who the victim is .

written by Sadaf

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Numm Episode 15 review : Storm in a teacup