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Numm Episode 11 review : Honeymoon

Numm has been improving over the last two episodes and I think there might yet be hope for it. In the beginning this serial was fascinating; a window into a different, insular world where the normal rules of human decency had been suspended. However for some time since Wali’s sensational apology to Neelam it seems to have been going in circles and I for one have been a little lost.

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My sad lack of telepathic skills has been a big hindrance in understanding Wali and Mahjabeen’s silences, in fact there were times I felt like leaving them to be silent at each other and switch over to another drama but then I am a Fawad fan……..so here I am .Enough complaints, as I said today was a definite improvement. Wali and Neelam visit Barrey Saheb and actually spend time with each other and with poor old Amtul whom a lot of us thought had quietly died. Neelam seems to get along with Amtul and the servants now. In fact she behaves quite gently and kindly towards Amtul managing to spend time with a person who is difficult and easily unsettled. Wali seems to have issues with his mother; he may even resent her for becoming ill when he needed her the most. It must have been hard for a ten year old boy to understand Amptul’s loss and subsequent mental breakdown. Again this emphasizes the pivotal role Mahjabeen has played in his life. In one of the first perhaps heart to heart conversation he has with Neelam he stares her down when she mentions Mahjabeen’s name and I found myself wishing Wali had actually explained how much Mahjabeen meant to him, how  she had cared for him  though she is the indirect cause of his woes. Similarly I got the feeling from Neelam’s half of their exchange when she mentions her father, that her dislike of Mahjabeen is rooted much deeper than just her possessiveness of Wali. She may well blame Mahjabeen for her father’s death.

The most distasteful conversation was as usual between Wali and Barrey Saheb . I really find Barrey Saheb’s not so oblique references to his grandson’s love life boring and tiresome. However the fact hungry audience did find out that Wali is fully self-aware and knows how ridiculous his position is : a grown man of 27 who has nothing to do all day but negotiate between his two wives ,neither of which he chose. I might have felt for Wali but I somehow I only felt more antipathy towards him941295_611107342269583_1036019827_n .Apparently all that education meant nothing, it has not allowed him to mature or gain a perspective on these issues in his life. I would like to trot out my prejudices against Oxford University again but instead I think I will be serious and guess that Wali had been living a “normal” life in England these past 8 years. He had pushed his painfull past far, far away into some locked corner of his mind that his return has now forced him to open. He even comes half way towards confiding as such with Neelam as they plan their honeymoon to Europe. He loves England and I wonder if he has had a relationship with anyone there? Neelam and Wali looked sort of cute  teasing each other and planning their trip like any newlywed couple, as if they might actually be developing a relationship.1392051_611101112270206_1557665065_n

Meanwhile Poor Mahjabeen is wandering around the empty house and grounds of Wali’s house like a ghost from the past. A sensible woman might put a coat on or say avoid climbing trees and saving empty birds’ nests but Ms. Mahjabeen is a slave to her feelings rather than logic and of course falls ill again. It is quite apparent she is no longer needed by Wali or his family and the mysterious Qasim is constantly offering her a safe escape route with a life of dignity. Sadly she keeps refusing his offers claiming Qasim doesn’t understand her position but I think in reality she is just too accustomed to her life, too used too caring for Wali. Wali’s dismissal of her telephone call was more than ample proof. I wonder what Mahjabeen really wanted to talk to Wali about ? di she miss him  or was she going to tell him about Qasim and perhaps ask for her freedom ?

She ponders over the recent change in Wali’s attitude. One wonders what would have happened if Neelam had not arrived so suddenly, or has something happened because at this point I have no idea. I may be wrong but my take on this Wali- Mahjabeen thing is that they have very strong feelings for each other because they got over a very difficult time together. However Wali cannot see Mahjabeen as quite his mother since he is married to her and perhaps that time spent in England made him see her differently when he came back. He may not want to see her as a motherly figure because if he does he will lose her, but as a wife he could perhaps force her to stay. Similarly poor Mahjabeen has been used to victimhood so long she has forgotten that she has a right to happiness and has grown to love Wali. Her love seems definitely maternal but with his change in attitude she is confused too. Ok everyone else  is welcome two add their two cents worth and put me straight if I am wrong.images (20)

This drama is getting interesting again .As an episode this was very good but I still have issues with the sound as I have to strain my ears to hear conversations: Fawad being the worst offender who eats his dialogues. I think Kanza is improving but I really think they should have got a more seasoned actress for this role. Sanya Saeed usually impresses but even she seems to have the same expression of hopelessness all the time. I really feel the direction is just not up to the mark and that is why we have sometimes lost the narrative. The story and script have always been good.

I am covering for Maria for a few weeks.ANYONE interested in reviewing NUMM or indeed any other serial that moves them please send us an email. dont worry too much about the the angrazi …so long as we can actually make sense of your ideas :)

Written by Sadaf


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Numm Episode 11 review : Honeymoon