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Mehru wants to quit her job,Meerab stops her, because ‘tum ne kharchay itnay barha liye hain ke manage kaisay hon ge’.Mehru wants to quit her job,Meerab stops her because he has resigned and there’s no way the house can be run with Mehru quitting as well.That’s how I tie up the two ends of today’s episode.Thankfully,there was much less of Bano Apa’s irritating family that gets on my nerves.Every time the door opens,I start shaking (yes more than Mehru)that it must be one or more of the dreadful Bano Apa clan.Unfortunately,at the end of the episode Faiz turned up and cleverly asked for Meerab’s bike.There we poor souls go again…….

So what else did we get in today’s episode besides Meerab’s usual chauvinistic self, his unwarranted taunts at Mehru including ‘Jitnee chadar ho utnay hee paoon phelanay chahiye’. Yes, there’s Bano Apa even using Umaima to extract information about what Mehru’s doing, what she’s bringing home etc while Maya’s husband’s son Shahrez (hero of my first youth series on Ptv Ammar Ahmed) also surfaces!Btw this is a moment to cheer for I, atleast, got someone’s correct.I am yet to grasp Javed Sheikh’s name in this serial (what’s in a name,right Mr. Shakespeare?My apologies if the quote’s not by Shakespeare,these days sms attribute any and every quote to anyone they can get their hands on!).

My dilemmas aside,Maya’s life is not so perfect as it seemed,there was a deal between Maya and her husband that they won’t have children of their own even though Maya really wants it so she is frustrated and upset.She takes her frustration on Mehru and Mehru feels the heat.Maya’s also meeting Meerab very often in different restaurants and this calls for trouble ahead.Something’s cooking for sure as Mehru’s offered Meerab a job in her company also.

Now my two interesting observations.Firstly,Maya’s house’s the same that was used in ARY’s Roag. Ghar kee khatir so dukh jhailain,ghar to akhir apna hai….wonder what would happen if different characters of different dramas set in same house get to party in the same house,we would have the Falaks and Zakiyas of this world dancing to tunes together!

Secondly,though I am still in awe of Saba Qamar,she should stop delivering lines as if dogs have been set after her.


Written by Haseeb

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Na Kaho Tum Mere Nahi Episode 5