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The previous episodes of Muqabil left me captivated and I tuned in to watch the third episode as well. Muqabil as expected, is turning out to be an interesting play moving with a steady speed.

These first three episodes have been focusing primarily on Pareesa’s mother and her obsession to get her daughter married off as soon as possible. Pareesa being defiant and rebellious to her mother’s demands is what engrossed me the most. Kubra Khan has managed to pull off Pareesa’s role brilliantly and the direction of this play has been nothing but exceptionally amazing.

The vibrant colors, the set, the cinematography- everything gives an entirely different feel to it. We see Pareesa trying to find a route through mazes but she gets distracted every single time either by her own thoughts or by somebody else’s intrusion. However, by the end of the episode we see her reaching the finish point after she successfully manages to shoo the marriage proposal out of the way by making the biggest lie she has made till date. It seemed like she finally found a way out and knew where her life was finally headed!

The first two episodes portrayed that Shahnaz was somewhat guilty for not being there for her daughter all the time and for missing major events in her life but in this episode, we see an entirely new side. She’s a self centered, selfish woman who believes that her very own daughter is jealous of her personality, fan following and her successful career. While Pareesa’s father is trying to maintain composure, Shahnaz acts extremely superficial and refuses to acknowledge her own daughter’s sentiments.

Arman’s character on the other hand is completely opposite to Pareesa’s. He seems to be a kind hearted, sensible and a positive man who has absolutely no idea of what is going on with Pareesa. I felt an instant connection with Arman’s character mainly because I believe Mohsin Abbas Haider is doing complete justice to the role.
When Shahnaz confronted Mehmood Sahab, I was amazed to see how he had more faith in Pareesa than in his own son.

We see all the actors playing entirely different characters as compared to the ones they have performed previously. Saba Hameed is a remarkable actress but the character she is playing does not have much to offer. Also, the actor playing Pareesa’s brother lacks the “class” which this character very much needed and he should have been given minimum screen time as well. Asif Raza Mir is my all time favorite actor who is always a treat to watch. He always changes his mannerism and acting style completely to give every character he plays a new feel.

I am eagerly looking forward to see how the story unfolds in the upcoming episodes and how Pareesa and Arman ultimately end up together. The preview of the next episode made me super interested and I can’t wait to see what happens next with Arman specifically.

How many of you watched this latest installment? Do share your opinions about Muqabil.

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Muqabil – Episode 3 Review