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Mujhe Khuda Pe Yakeen Hai -Episode 1 Review














Episode 1 of Mujhay Khudape Yakeen hai started in a very un-usual way because for the very first time we are going to see a compelled and helpless Character playing by male. In the past we have seen female playing such kind of role but this time it is male character Arham played by Ahsan khan which made serial unique like his name Mujhay Khuda Pe Yakeen hai.

Arham is in the state of depression, anger & annoyed from the all family members. His mother played by Sajida Syed being mother tries her best to keep Arham calm but in no Vain. No body is paying attention to Arham behavior specially his father played by shakeel who is claiming that he has seen everything from his eyes whatever has been done by Arham.

On the other hand is in the state of anger and trying to convince his family thats whztever they have seen is not true at all but no body is ready to believe him which is making him feel alone and stranger at his own home.













Later on episodes moves  to wedding  Scene of Namreen played by Ayesha Khan and Shaiq played by Meekal Zulfiqar. Every body is ready to join wedding except Arham who refuses to join his own brother wedding . His mother asked him to join but he refuses completely even Arham father also came and told him to attend wedding . Even during the wedding Arham shouts at a guest & there must be some reason behind her behaviour which will definately reveal in later episodes of the serial.














Shaiq told Namreen that he needs to take some time to accept this sudden wedding . Namreen agrees gracefully and further adds that it was not easy decision for her too. because some bad incident happen between her and Arham in the past which is yet to reveal but i must say the portion between Arham and Namreen will be highlight of the drama.

Areeba played by Momal Shiekh who happens to be Shakeel friend’s daughter came to stay at their home.  As we all seen in the promos, she will help Arham to come out of the situation in which he has been terribly caught.

I found Mujhay Khuda Pe Yakeen Hai very interesting and different because of Strong character played by Ahsan Khan and also for the very first time Ayesha Khan is playing grey character.

As far as performances are concerned Ahsan Khan has played his character very well because it is very difficult to play such kind of character for male specially in a society where we are living . Hatss off to Ahsan Khan

Ayesha Khan is looking simply stunning and playing her charcter very well too. Meekal is doing regular acting as he has played such kind of charcters in the past as well so i am expecting something different from him in his upcoming plays because indeed Meekal is extremely talented and handsome as well.

Momal Sheikh is truely wonderful actress and i am wondering why she is not coming in centreal role in any drama. She deserves some major character and better roles.

As a whole amazing drama with amazing start.

Excited to see what comes next


Written By:

Amir Basharat Butt



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Mujhe Khuda Pe Yakeen Hai -Episode 1 Review