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Ok well that was quick. I wasn’t expecting the princes to show up quite so soon, though of course I am not complaining. Yet.

While Romaisa’s entire household got the memo on playing it over the top, Mansha Pasha clearly is ruling the roost on this one. Mansha breathes life and freshness into her spirited conversations liberally sprinkled with ‘dairy, jaaaab and Prince Charrlez’. Her loud get up and mannerisms showcase a materialistic bent of mind always plotting, calculating and taking others to task. As the clever dialogues point out, clearly she is the comic relief and a fine one at that.

Interestingly each of the evil step sisters has a personality too. I especially like the gal as Shazia (name anyone?)who is reining in the high notes better than the others while still being credible.

Romaisa on the other hand, who I thought had enough self-awareness about her situation, is now proving otherwise. Cue innocent big eyes, naivety, and BA as silver bullet. While I know she is Cinderella, I cant empathize with Sanam Jung despite her mewling kitten looks.

We move out of Romaisa’s humble home to rich (and seemingly idle) folks at Nabeel’s home. This episode introduces us to  Zeeshan (Adeel Hussain) Prince charming and possibly the only member of his family earning an honest living – Oh wait, he’s in the police, never mind. The newly married mister and his wife Rabia (Meera Sethi) engage in young couple banter which entails getting all their other friends married and possibly the most lukewarm defense of SRK I have seen.

If Meera Sethi is so disinterested now, I shudder to think how she’s going to muster enough emotion going forward, though admittedly neither of them had anything meaty to add just yet.

We get a peek into Nabeel’s stereotypical squabbling siblings and spouses with nary a nuance in sight. Mirat-ul-Uroos much? Well I suppose it goes to show that freeloading, matlabi, materialistic cravings have no class bar. I guess the two families have more in common than we thought.

Nabeel and his car (now in a supporting role) got a lot of mention this episode. Nabeel – the strong willed, Nabeel the hardworking, Nabeel- the generous, Nabeel – the aakhon ka taaara, Nabeel – perfect to a fault. See what I mean? So when Nabeel casually saunters in his home after, what I presume to be a transcontinental flight looking fresh as a daisy-oh ok, he’s a MAN, let’s say fresher than a daisy tricked out in a leather jacket,(while mere mortals would probably be blurry eyed and jet lagged), it feels like a bit of a letdown.

Nice to see Mikaal in a different look and rocking the um…beard? stubble? facial hair fad?Either way, rock on (and don’t shave!) I have high hopes for the two princes so here’s to crossing my fingers for the next installment.

On a parting note though did anyone notice the totally bizarre background score with rock music and notes of ice ice baby? In case you didn’t notice, now I’m complaining.

MM (aka A musing Muslim)

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Muhabbat Subh ka Sitara Hai– Episode 2