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Well, that was short lived – a moment of silence for the death of sense and sensibility.  Ok well, maybe not so short since a span of a couple of months have passed – the baby has been birthed, Zesshan is back from his training and still not so much as a new topic of conversation been introduced by this family .

Seriously, if we had a penny for every time any character said jayadat, we could have eradicated meningitis by now. So in this battle for property which by the by folks,  is immovable and none of the recipients are in dire straits of money (for nothing) or haw hai mujhe appna soona beejhna padega position …Oh apologies, I am thinking logically. Never mind. Onward.

The parents are sharpening their blackmailing prowess and puppeteer strings to force Zeeshan to marry Romaisa while Rabia’s parents are holding firm in guaranteeing their daughters building bank balance. I guess it runs in the family, at least this family.

This tendency to constantly showcase second marriage as solution reeks of the worst way in which we misuse our own religion and traditions. If we constantly reinforce our own stereotypes, we really need to stop browbeating others for doing the same.  Whoops – sorry – reasoning again. Will try and keep any sensible thought from the picture.

Rabia, who had thus far done a volte-face  from her materialistic nature and tendency to be distracted by shiny objects, and had gotten points for being a sensible person, now reverts to her old self. Also I called it. Well I suppose four months of thinking straight can strain some nerve cells.  For someone who can hold down a house job, clearly she displays more independence and intelligence levels than we have seen thus far.

But of course the thought of working to supplement your hubby’s income instead of putting all your eggs in the property basket which again – sorry to sound like a broken record– is really not going anywhere-why! Perish the thought! Along with any ideas that marriage and relationships involve commitment, love and fidelity.

I think Mira Sethi did a fine job stating her selfish position and Adeel played out his dilemma to convincing effect.  Since he was the only character actually trying to come up with a reasonable solution while others around him are blind sighted by the P (or J) word, it was like hitting a brick wall every time he tried to inject good judgment (see above for how that’s playing out here).

I heart Adeel Husain for really making Zeeshan’s predicament feel real and believable but I really really want to see him in a different role minus humdardi and a flexible backbone.

And speaking of bending to the will of others, Romaisa remains drenched in misery possibly heightened by postpartum depression, and being the recipient of cast offs from this family. Continuing in that tradition, she’ll be married off without a whimper to Zeeshan.  All this forced doom and gloom is really making this a very heavy drama to watch – minus the emotional anchor .

The pallor of gloom only lifts when we are treated to flashbacks of Nabeel and only Nabeel.  Though could they really not have better dialogues? Sounds of fish in the water? Eh? We already have the trending Babajis, what now? Romaisa gifted with extra sensitive hearing even though she still has to be coached into how to have a conversation? Difficult to sympathize with her if she sounds this much of a dolt.

Well then points to Mikaal for his ESP then and being able to see the staying power of his character. Hmm I wonder what it says about a drama when the specter of the dead person is the only thing to look forward to?

MM (aka A musing Muslim)

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Muhabbat Subh ka Sitara Hai– Episode 18