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OK, guys, I know this review is way, way overdue. However, for some reason, my YouTube rebelled against Mora Piya. Every other video was loading except the one of Mora Piya. It took me longer to actually reload and refresh the video and the page, respectively, before I was able to watch it properly. And finally, I have gotten around to writing it.

Anyway, so last week and this week, the episodes were again extremely emotional. Amina and Adeel once again rocked the show. And although the pace was mellow, the twists in the story made it more interesting and yes, more heart-breaking for everyone. It was also kind of sad to see that the rest of the family members have absolutely no idea about what is going on, and hence, are celebrating something which is so traumatic for the couple itself.

Although the acting and the direction have been praiseworthy throughout, I must mention at least a few things that made me raise my eyebrows a great deal. First and foremost, what exactly were the two fathers doing in the doctors’ room? I understand they were excited, but most fathers prefer to maintain a respectful distance at this stage of their daughter’s life. Mothers are usually at the forefront of doctors’ appointments. Hence, it was bit awkward to see both fathers towering over the doctors and the mothers sitting behind.

Next, the physical aspect of this drama serial is really getting too much now. For the most part, it seems natural, but sometimes, you really want to fast forward. For instance, in the previous episode, it was so endearing the way Ujala and Faisal were enjoying their honeymoon and sharing their childhood memories with each other. But then came the rain scene. Someone commented on the previous post (on this issue) saying they are husband and wife; are they not ALLOWED to hug? Yes, spouses are allowed to hug. BUT how often do they hug or indeed, get physical in front of their children? Or anyone else for that matter? And if they don’t, then how can we assume that this is “normal” for an on-screen couple who are not even married in real?

In any case, apart from these two minor glitches, the drama is progressing smoothly. I really want to find out how the writer has dealt with this sensitive issue – and I hope the story does not conclude by killing either Ujala or Faisal. The next episode’s preview seems promising, as Faisal will trace the story on which Ali was working, and Uzma will plan something else.Can’t wait.

Written by Drama Buff ([email protected])

PS: Is it just me or is everyone finding the producer’s attitude getting stranger by the day? She told the entire office about Faisal’s “news”! Man!

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Mora Piya – Episodes 7 and 8