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Men like Shereyaar think the world revolves around them and they go about doing as they please with little care of how anyone else might feel. Emaan is certainly free to do as she pleases- or at least that’s what Shereyaar keeps telling her. But what really is Emaan’s role in Shereyaar’s life? Shehreyaar doesn’t seem to take any interest in Emaan’s activities- he doesn’t make the slightest gesture to appreciate her efforts- even though truth be told Emaan is putting her heart and soul into this marriage. I like seeing her strength of character, her confidence and her willingness to take control of situations. Unlike others, she doesn’t let anyone bully her which is why she had the guts to turn down Hajra Aunty. Emaan knows only too well that Shereyaar is in no rush to mend fences and she knows him better than to try and coerce him into agreeing to anything.

She was smart enough to question her mother-in-laws motives in a private conversation with her mom yet maintained her dignity and didn’t respond to the slurs thrown at her while comparing her to the gharelu  Sajjal. Speaking of Sajjal, she had an outburst and now she’s acting out like a spoilt child. I can empathize with her to a certain extent but holding on to the reminder of a broken relationship and that too one that was clearly one-sided is not healthy. I wish parents would allow their children the time they need to heal before pushing them into marriage so soon after an engagement is called off. Honestly speaking, I find it kind of bizarre that supposedly high society folks like Sajjal’s parents are behaving so desperately as if Shereyaar was the last man on the planet and now that he’s no longer an option. Their daughter will forever be alone. All those scenes involving the rishtay wali aunties was extremely annoying and could’ve easily been cut down. Hajra and Zareena seem to be on a joint mission to avenge Sajjal without realizing they are enabling her addiction of her Pehli and aakhri mohabbat.

Emaan finally decided to intervene when she saw her next door neighbour’s child being neglected at the hands of the help. I liked how she didn’t remain a silent spectator like most people but after warning the father (Adnan Jaffer), I found it rather strange of her to keep going over for the sake of the child. I understand her passion for children but anyone would know better than to continue going back knowing that the child lives with only his father. This can have serious repercussions even though for the time being Shereyaar seems pretty cool with Emaan’s activities but I think that has more to do with his lack of interest than anything else.

Shereyaar and Emaan are still getting to know each other and I was taken aback by Hajra Aunty mentioning they’ve been married over a year? When did that happen? Did I miss something coz it doesn’t seem to be that long. Shereyaar delivered the biggest blow to Emaan when he expressed him desire of not wanting children coz clearly Emaan has been thinking on those lines for quite some time now. I think having children is a huge responsibility and Shereyaar’s strained relationship with his parents is the reason he’s apprehensive and running away from responsibility. Shereyaar is an escapist and just like he dodged a bullet by rushing into marriage instead of first calling off his engagement, he’s shying away from the next course in his marriage by building a wall around himself. Surely Emaan has a right to decide whether or not she wants to have children as this is not a decision that can be taken by Shereyaar alone. Having two polar opposites, Emaan is going the distance to make her marriage work but this is not something she will take lightly and it makes me wonder- is the child the naulakha haar in their story? Will it all boil down to what they want out of the marriage and how far they are willing to go?

Another strong episode – I’m looking forward to Hajra Aunty’s interference and dreading it at the same time. She’s not one to forgive and certainly is in no mood to forget. God help Emaan!

What do you think?

Kanwal Murtaza

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Mol- Episode 7 Review