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Slowly, but steadily the story is unraveling towards exploring the very essence of the female protagonist. Emaan, who came across as outspoken and confident is deep down a simple girl who in love with the idea of being loved. It is only natural to experience feelings of being overwhelmed given the circumstances under which Shereyaar proposed. Imtiyaaz Sahab is completely justified in his approach- Meri Emaan itni bey Mol nahin… it isn’t easy being the father of the bride. I felt his wife was a little too eager to play matchmaker. I found it very unconvincing that she gave Emaan permission to meet Shereyaar knowing full well that her husband was having sleepless nights considering the proposal and what to make of it- aur gaali dena kissay kehte hein?!?

Emaan’s sudden change of heart shows her readiness for this exciting new chapter in her life. A part of her felt elated but she couldn’t shed off the lingering doubts and uncertainty either. She quickly drew comparisons between the Dastaan -e-Chanesar. Legend has it that Raja Chanesar loved his wife Leelan and was devoted to her. Leelan, however, gave in to temptation and was seduced by a priceless naulakha haar and in her quest to secure it, made a trade – she obtained the haar in exchange for allowing the owner of the haar to spend a night with her husband. Angered by his wife’s actions, he rejects her and marries the girl who she traded with. While Emaan was romancing with the idea of which character best represents her and Shereyaar, I couldn’t help but ask myself what prompted her to draw the comparison in the first place. This was no ordinary love story- in fact, when tales of yesteryears are mentioned, we almost always bring up the likes of Romeo & Juliet, Laila Majnoo, Heer Ranjha… Epic love stories that discuss the trials and tribulations… Not one where the queen puts her marriage on the line…

Hearing Imtiyaaz Sahab’s requisition, Shereryaar summoned his father since he couldn’t travel on such short notice. While his father was seemingly upset and tried to play the guilt card, Sherreyaar stuck to his guns and convinced his father to accompany him to seek Emaan’s hand in marriage with a formal proposal. I was pleasantly surprised to see his mellow side instead of the usual stern attitude. Kudos to Nadeem Baig for portraying the defeated father with such perfection. The past couple of episodes have shown him to be very unreasonable but here today, he was just perfect. He has made his stand very clear which can only mean that there is trouble ahead for Emaan if she does get married. Let’s see how Emaan handles the obstacles that await her in the upcoming episodes.

Kanwal Murtaza


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Mol- Episode 3 Review