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Today’s episode was much better than the last two and it had some emotional scenes to its credit. While I wanted to shout at Zara and give her a wake-up call, at the same time I really felt sorry for her for being stuck in an abusive relationship purely because she is too nice to walk out and obviously loves Basit. The servant tells Zara the reason behind Basit’s illness, just when she decides to leave the house and that is what makes her stay. Basit’s father passed away when he was little and his mother re-married. His step-father was very abusive and his mother always sided with him and never paid heed to her son’s feelings. After knowing this Basit’s character is slightly more relatable, though I could still do without the exaggerated expressions! Basit is not just an anxiety patient but also a control freak, who would not even allow Zara to meet her parents and physically abuse her whenever he gets a chance.

Aabish finally got married today under very sad circumstances. I really appreciate the way everything related to this marriage, starting from the proposal to the scene where Aabish arrives at her new house, was shot, definitely well-done, it seemed very real. No doubt Aabish has made a bad decision by marrying beneath her and that too with a man who has a lot of people depending on him BUT that really in no way justifies Aabish’s mother’s behavior. She decided to break all ties with Aabish and the farewell she gave Aabish was heartbreaking….definitely very touching. And all this because she decided to trust the servant more than what her daughter had to say about Sherry. I liked the way Sherry’s small car was parked right next to Aabish’s huge car at the time of rukhsati, went to show how Aabish’s life was going to change very soon.

Initially Asma is not very comfortable with the idea of her brother getting married to Aabish but I really appreciate the way Sherry made her sit down and talked things out with her, when she was going to walk out of the room. Sherry’s mother is ecstatic to hear about her son’s marriage (thank God), I hope she does not turn out to be the evil mother-in-law! I really felt for Sherry today too, the way he was treated by Aabish’s mother was totally unfair but I am glad the guy stood his ground with dignity.

Overall this was the best episode so far, seems like things maybe looking up for this play. I really hope we are spared over-acting in the future episodes too and get to see more of the good performances and direction, like we did today. I really like the lighting in this play right from day one and it has been perfect till now, also the picture quality is great.

The only blooper in today’s episode was that Aabish was wearing the same earrings on her Nikkah  that Sherry’s mother was to give her later, once she came to their house. One episode, one blooper has been the norm till now but like I said overall this was a very ‘refreshing’ episode.


Author: Fatima Awan.

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Maseeha – Episode 7