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Who would’ve thought that Talat Hussain would make an exit just as briskly as he made an entry? I find it odd that an actor of his stature was given such a poor send-off. The episode barely made a mention of him- except for his will. Jamil is a changed man now- he’s had an awakening and he no longer wants to live with Ifty but instead is willing to work for free for the kind-hearted Salahuddin… Is it a coincidence that he wants to do so while handing over the property papers to Salahuddin? Salahuddin didn’t know what to make of his windfall- I expected a little more empathy over the death of a man who he had grown to love as a father instead of pondering over the prospective crores. If I’m not mistaken, Salahuddin was away for merely 2 days to visit his family and try his luck with a soon-to-be-divorced Mannu. But the way Jamil narrated it, it seemed like he had been gone for months…

The episode focused on Mikael’s manipulative ways- he convinced Mannu to hand over her jewellery so he could pay off his gambling debts. Mannu, in all her lamb-like innocence believed that Mikael was sincere and vowed to keep this a secret. However, once Mikael’s father realized Mikael was trying to pull a fast one and slapped him, Mannu broke down and admitted that he had sold off her jewellery! Mikael’s father asked him to pack his bags and leave and Mikael threw yet another tantrum. Mikael is the embodiment of all that is wrong with upper class society- he has no moral values, no sense of respect and absolutely no value for money. He assumed his friends would accommodate him but his friend’s wife threatened to leave him unless he gets rid of Mikael.

As I’ve mentioned time and again, I am no fan of Gohar Rasheed and he simply can’t pull off this rich, spilt brat role. He would be more suited to playing a role similar to what he did in Digest Writer- I can easily relate to him as an uneducated, lower-middle class guy but not here! His acting or lack thereof isn’t helping either. Guy needs to tone it down a few notches. Pretty much every scene he is in seems repetitive and has nothing remarkable. It’s almost as if he was given a free hand to overact to his heart’s content.

Mikael never liked Manny but after this episode, he sees her as the enemy. Hopefully, Mannu will pack her bags and leave. I think Mannu needs to get away from everyone. Maybe she needs to start over minus any of these parasites from her past. Who knows, maybe Mannu and Jeena realize that they have so much going for them and end up being roommates…

The preview for the next episode shows Mannu is back home with her family as is Salahuddin. I hope her family refrains from match-making until she’s legally divorced. This is becoming just a wee bit nauseating how casually marriage and divorce is being discussed. Until next week…

Kanwal Murtaza

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Mann Mayal- Episode12 Review