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Again, upon the request of some DramaPakistani readers, here is a review of Maat’s previous two episodes:

Both the episodes were a vast improvement in that they actually hooked me – who has criticized it to no end – and made me want to watch. Amna Nawaz Khan has definitely done a great job with the direction, and Umera Ahmed‘s dialogues sometimes go straight to my heart.

After eleven episodes of back and forth tug of war between the two sisters, Saman finally got married to Faisal. And on the day of the wedding, guess who falls for his best friend’s bride. None other than Azar (played brilliantly by Asad). As expected, the saas-bahu confrontations also begin soon after marriage with issues that are so common in different households. It is apparent that Azar and Saman are inclined towards each other and the story has now finally picked pace. Aiman is left weeping (“Uss nay beray sath bohot baree ziyadati kee hai”) and her mother is now actively searching for rishtas for her.

I completely agree with one of the comments that this drama portrays what is currently happening in our society. My main problem is: OK, so this is happening. But is this drama giving parents any solution as to how to deal with this? The answer is no. Saman gets what she wants, even though what she wanted was highly selfish. Both mothers proved to be helpless. What message is this giving out?

And, to top the whole thing off, Saman is now being wooed by Azar, who is more rich than Faisal. For those who have read the novel, it is very apparent that Saman keeps on getting what she wants. This is my main peeve. It doesn’t make much impact to show in the very last episode that she did not get ONE thing she wanted. Do such stories raise more Samans or try to reduce their number in the society?

Of course, I will not doubt the writer’s intention here. My humble suggestion is to portray girls like Saman in a more broad light – why are they the way they are, is it something to do with the way they are brought up, how do parents deal with such children, what is the best way to make sure they rise above materialism, and so on? It isn’t enough to just say – OK, this is Saman, she is materialistic and she married her sister’s fiance. As a viewer, I want to know more than that.

Written by Drama Buff ([email protected])

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Maat – Episodes 12 and 13