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Somewhere deep beneath the layers of uninspired direction , lack of editing, bored actors and the monotonous sound of a man inexplicably singing “aaaaaaaaaa” every other scene there is an actual ,well thought out plot for Laa. What I don’t understand is why that wasn’t good enough for the director or producers to follow. Laa had a very promising start , with a different male oriented story line , a fresh set of lead pairing and what seems to be quite a reasonably good budget (a fortune if we compare it to an A&B production) but it has yet to find a way onto anyone’s must watch list.In his recent interview with the Drama Pakistani Team ,the writer Sarmad Sehbai has all but disowned this project swearing off giving any script of his away in the future . an edited article of that podcast appeared in the Express Tribune and a full podcast will soon be available at Drama Pakistan soon .

This episode was slightly better than last weeks which I am sorry I can barely force myself to think about let alone analyze. News spreads fast in Laa world , everybody and their aunt now knows that Dilaver Shah has a brother and everyone is taking as the absolute truth without asking for any proof or the slightest skepticism . Of course they probably googled it. In fact Dilaver is so impressed with this piece of information that he now doubts his own paternity and seems to be on a murderous quest for his long lost “brother”.

Meanwhile Naina is wearing an oddly placed duppattah in and working out in some strange park/gym ,because in one of those badly conceived coincidences that only happen in Laa, Laila meets her there and tells her that Danyal cannot breathe without saying Naina’s name. Now any normal girl would go home and say ” I am sorry but I don’t think I can go through with this wedding . Thank Goodness you guys have not sent out the wedding cards perhaps we can back out of this gracefully .” Not Naina she just shouts accusations and tears up wedding cards .

Finally Danyal asked the question he should have of Laila “who are you and why did we meet?”  Laila gave him a completely evasive non answer which he did not challenge so another opportunity lost. Well as I said underneath all this gumph is a well thought out story and if I have any patience left I will try to watch just to see what that is. I hate to write a review just to criticize, so until I find something better to say I won’t be reviewing this. At this point it all seems such a waste of what could have been something amazing.

written by Sadaf

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LAA: episode 8 review