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At this point I just want to sing Lalalalala laaa from sheer annoyance. After such a promising start this serial seems on a fast track to mediocrity; full of irrational reactions , trite clichés and perhaps the worst crime ( a HUM TV specialty) an over bearing  background score which ironically only serves to emphasize the weakness in the direction . Let me explain something to the powers that be: I do not need the man who seems to have a ladle stuck in his throat singing “AAAA..AA” every time Danyal ex –Malik/secret Sayyad is supposed to be upset .The actors expressions, his dialogue, the tenor of his voice and the context should be enough. The back ground music should be a subtle enhancement leading the viewer to the main action on the screen without overpowering the image.

This was the least engaging episode yet because so many of the situations did not make sense. Why did Laila drag Danyal to an orphanage, which seemed to have remarkably well fed and well-kept children (who seemed suspiciously like ordinary kids in a park)? Why would a well-educated, good natured man like Danyal suddenly react in such a cruel way, calling the children worthless, because their parents had rejected them?

Then we have Naina , who agrees to marry a complete stranger then suddenly refuses to wear the jewelry his family gifts her in favor of the Taveez Danyal gave her . This should have been a powerful scene but it seemed flat and unedited. It strikes me as incredibly strange that neither Naina nor her parents are interested in doing any background checks on Dilaver or even talk to him. Their biggest concern seems to be how elaborate or simple the wedding will be .The only interesting scenes are the ones with Khalid Malik, his Dilaver might be a cartoon but at least he is consistent.

This serial is well below the high standard HUM TV has set and despite all the money spent on the production at this point the story seems to be drowning in shallow water. Here is another example where the director and writer are not on the same page , so the essence of the story is lost.  Mikaal is a good actor and this serial’s major attraction, but just like Fawad Khan even he cannot make this into a silk purse. I will be watching next week in the hope of some improvement.

written by Sadaf


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LAA: episode 6 review