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Koi Nahi Apna – Episodes 6 and 7

Oh Hamza, I was with you all the way until you slapped Alvira, while she is expecting, in front of your daughter and  mother, due to the lies of your mother, and without even getting Alvira’s side of the story! Do you see all the things that are wrong with this sentence, and hence that scene??? Your mother lies to you by saying that your wife has threatened to kick her out of the house and you readily believe that and slap your wife? Whats even more amazing is that 4 seconds later, he realizes that Alvira can’t actually ever say that. Dear writers, please, please stop this!!!  Why do you insist on teaching the audience that it is okay to hit your wife, feel really sorry afterwards, apologize, and you’ll be forgiven? I’ll give credit where its due, the scene was immaculately shot, and the expressions on Surwat, Fahad, and the child’s faces were spot on, but the scene should not have been shot.  Someone should probably have said, “no, lets try a different way to approach this.”  

Getting that out of the way, episodes 6 and 7 were as usual predictable. Alvira and Hamza have now started to fight in front of their daughter. Zaineb is a constant sound board for Alvira and at this point I don’t blame her. She needs a friend to talk to. I like how Zaineb says “chai piyo, mood sahee karo, aur ghar jao apne.”  She always gives sound advice, which comes from her own experience. Hamza and Alvira find out they are expecting again and Daadi finally becomes the full fledged ‘saas’ of “is dafa to beta he hona chahiye, keh diya maine!”  Daadi clearly missed that day in Biology/Genetics class where the X and Y chromosomes were discussed and it was taught that the gender of the baby is all up to the father, NOT the mother. Dear daadis of the desi world, your sons have the XY chromosomes, your daughter in laws (just like you) only have the X chromosome…get the picture?

That really was the jist of episodes 6 and 7. Acting as always was on par of all the actors. Everyone has great chemistry and work well together. Surwat and Salma Hasan look great. Badar Mehmood’s direction, in my opinion, is flawless. The scenes change smoothly and editing is really really worth the accolades. Another thing to mention is that the background sound is very appropriate with the situation shown.

Lastly, I keep saying the drama is predicable, but that is mainly because we have seen so many on shoot pics on facebook already. We knew from the beginning, Alvira will be slapped, there is going to be a court scene, and much more. There really are no element of surprises due to  all of this. Something that the team might want to consider for future projects.








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Koi Nahi Apna – Episodes 6 and 7