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Manaal moved from her phoppo\’s susraal to her nana\’s house, economically these two households are world apart but unfortunately for Manaal, the mentality isn\’t much different. Both households have a dynamic duo, comprising of two idle ladies, who have got nothing useful to do with their lives. While Saliha and her mother spent their days watching soaps and gossiping about Shabnam, Manaal\’s mamani and her sister pass their days shopping, gossiping and making plans about the so anticipated wedding of Joya and Moid.

One thing that is common is the pure and cold hatred and discrimination with which Manaal is treated by all these ladies. I can understand where Saliha is coming from, she never got over the fact that she was rejected by Karim and later for whatever reason, she never got married, she takes her frustration and anger out on Manaal and Shabnam. It\’s Musarrat whose attitude is so unreasonable. Naila left her father\’s house atleast 2 decades ago but Musarrat still feels intimidated and uncomfortable because of the influence and position Naila enjoyed at her father\’s house. Yes, Manaal will get a share of the property but by treating her badly, the situation cannot be avoided. Rather she could use this opportunity to mend her relations with Hamdaan Shah but alas, her sister\’s hold over her house and mind is unshakable. She cannot think beyond what her sister suggests.

Now coming to Joya\’s character. Last week I said, it was refreshing to see a girl who is not chasing a rich guy but is independent, I think this is point where her uniqueness ends. In the latest installment it\’s clear she is being fooled by a guy and she is so in love with him that she is unable to see this very obvious fact. She even told her mother about her feelings for this guy and I would love to see if she breaks up her engagement with Moid over it :). Up till now, I was under the impression, Joya was unlike her mother and Khala but underneath that glitz and glam, she is her mother\’s daughter. The way these two mother and daughter treat Manaal is simply revolting. They very easily forget that the house they are living in Manaal\’s nana\’s and he took pity on them when he allowed them to move in.

Apart from Diam, Baila is the only sensible one in this house full of selfish brats. I was looking forward to seeing some reaction from Manaal\’s mamoo in this episode but he was not given any air time. I wonder why ? But it was also good to see how Diam explained to Hamdaan Shah that Manaal is an orphan and along with financial aid, she also needs his love and affection. The result of his advice was instant and obvious, as soon as Hamdaan Shah placed his hand on Manaal\’s head, the girl cheered up :). At this point, you can\’t help but feel sorry for both these Nana-nawasi, HS has been hurt so badly by the one person he truly loved ( his daughter ) that he is afraid to feel the same way for anyone else and Manaal has been treated so badly by people that is desperate for any kind of love and attention.

The scene between Manaal and Diam was done very well. Diam was so open about his own history and feelings that I think it is safe to say, their friendship will be mutually beneficial. Both of them need a confidante, someone who understands them and they can find that in eachother. How this friendship will develop into love, I can hardly wait to see :).

I keep thinking this drama is shedding some much needed light on the long term effects of love marriages. We see so many serials where hero and heroine defeat all odds and love conquers all, they leave everything and everyone behind to be with eachother and in many cases they live happily ever after. But how often do we get to see the frustration,anger and pain that is caused by these marriages, how the families suffer and the affects these decisions and emotions have on the next generation. Had Naila not married Karim, her father would have arranged her marriage with someone more suitable and of his own choice, that way both the father-daughter would have been happy and HS would not be so lonely. Manaal would not be left at the mercy of the relatives who have scores to settle with both her parents. In case of her mother\’s death, she would surly have a loving nana to lookout for her. Things could have been so different.

Last week I was dreading the welcome which Shabnam was going to receive at her house when she returned. I was not expecting her family to go easy on her but what happened was even beyond by expectations. Liaquat wanted to divorce her and kick her out of the house but I am confused, I thought the house was in Shabnam\’s name. If so, then how come Liaquat was throwing her out ? Fortunately for her, Shujat came to her rescue but the gallantry and chivalry was short lived, just one wrong sentence out of his mother\’s mouth and he was the back to the same Shujat, I so love to hate. But it was a very realistic touch, you can\’t expect him to change over a moment\’s notice. He has been used as a pawn by his phoppo all his life and his mother has always been disappointed in him, all this has taken a toll on his personality and it cannot be undone at once. Again, it\’s food for thought how the alders use children to settle their scores and dominate the family politics.

Now, I am really interested to see who is playing the role of Moid and will Joya break off her engagement with him and if so, will that affect Manaal. I am also interested in seeing how Manaal\’s friendship with Baila develop and when will she realize that she has feelings for Diam :).


Written by Kiran

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Kaanch Ki Guriya Episode 8