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Ok, I must admit I do not have too much patience for drama serials that have over-the-top, filmy characters brandishing voodoo dolls and spooky lockets. However, I had some hope from Kaala Jadu, written by Rukhsana Nigar, directed by Mohsin Mirza and produced by A&B Productions.

I was (and still am) hoping that this serial will prove to be constructive and send out a strong message to people that they really should stay away from places like Aastanay and Peer Faqeer Babas. Indeed, from the plot outline, it is very evident that both the lead ladies who are too much into magic (played brilliantly by Saba Hameed and Sana Askari) will realize their mistake and the “black magic” will actually destroy their lives.

For now, however, I am a little peeved to see how the ‘magic formulas’ given by Qutub Sahab breaks up the marriage of innocent Saman and ensures her subsequent second marriage. Should this not be mentioned somewhere that this happened NOT because of magic but because it was already pre-destined to happen this way? Even the “effects” of the locket seem more spooky and unreal.

Another very negative aspect of this serial is the repeat of faces – Sami Khan, Ayeza Khan and Sana Askari to a name a few. Although they are all doing an excellent job, it just makes the drama too monotonous and difficult to differentiate from other A&B Productions, especially with Sami and Ayeza coming together in Shadi Mubarak as well. The drama serial is a little slow, so its very hard to write an episode review each week. Also, since the entire plot outline is on the ARY’s website, I will seriously watch it only after another couple of episodes. A&B Productions – please stop giving away crucial details that destroy suspense in your dramas.

On the positive side, as I said, I hope this serial will teach all female viewers a very serious lesson and make them realize that it is the will of Allah (and not any black magic) that affects the outcome of events.

Written by Drama Buff ([email protected])

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Kaala Jadu – Review