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The story didn\’t progress in this episode. It stayed right where we left it last week, Dua\’s parents are still forcing and emotionally blackmailing her into marrying Zohaib. Hamza is still in Islamabad, blissfully unaware of everything that is happening in Dua\’s life and Zohaib and his family are happily making preparations for the upcoming wedding. Dua and her family got most of the air time in this installment, everyone else just made appearances it seemed.

In this installment, I felt sorry for Dua. Yes she underestimated her parents\’ reaction when she started dating Hamza and that was bad judgement on her part but her parents\’ reaction is simply put, unreasonable. They are middle class people with old fashioned ideas but they are also educated and are adults. Instead of making life difficult for their daughter by comfiscating her phone, putting her under house arrest and isolating her, they could have sat her down and have a rational discussion. If Dua is so interested in Hamza, the least her parents could have done was give him a chance, just meet him once and then if they didn\’t approve of him, they could have explained their reasons. But they are preferring to act like dictators.

Dua is miserable, torn between her love for Hamza and her parents, she is trying endlessly on one hand to contact Humza and on the other hand to convince her parents. Sadly, she isn\’t having much luck at either front.

Hamza thinks Dua is mad at him for not answering her call, so to punish him she has switched her phone off. I have a feeling by the time he will realize what\’s really going on, it would be too late.

My favorite part in this drama is the relationship that Arsala and Zohaib have with eachother :) Zohaib is just the sweetest \” Bara Bhai \” on TV right now. Arsala has got him wrapped around her little finger and he couldn\’t be happier. The best part is, although he pampers her like anything yet she never crosses any lines and he trusts her blindly. Both of them would do anything and everything to make the other one happy.

Saif Pasha ( Waseem Abbas ) comes across as a very cynical person but today we got to witness a much nicer side of his personality. Although he was mad at his daughter but still when he was discussing her upcoming wedding with his friend, he appeared to be a very loving father, who is genuinely concerned about Dua and will do anything to see his daughter happily settled. He and Khadija are not the most lovy dovy husband and wife but today when he was heart broken, Khadija didn\’t leave him alone to suffer. She stood by him. It says a lot about their marriage.

Coming to performances. Like I said last week, everybody is doing a great job except for Armeena Rana Khan, well in today\’s episode she delivered a much better performance as compared to last week.

I am hoping the story will progress next week and we would find out if Dua will eventually give in and marry Zohaib or will some miracle take place and she would be reunited with Hamza.

Written by @Kiran

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Ishq Parast; Episode 5 Review