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Ishq Parast Episode 11 review

This episode has a mix. It had some very touching moments, some very sweet moments, some scenes that would make you down right mad . Some scenes where you wish you could just enter the drama through your TV screen to give Dua some much needed advice and take Hamza to a galaxy far far away and throw him in a black hole from where he would never return to cause trouble in paradise.

So let\’s start with the sweet, cute scenes that made me go awwwwwwww :). Obviously we have to start with the first scene, Zohaib still struggling to sign to divorce papers and Dua struggling to muster up the courage to tell Zohaib, she dosen\’t want a divorce anymore. I am glad the team IP didn\’t waste anytime in settling this issue, they came right to the point and the issue was settled once and for all \” Dua and Zohaib are not getting divorce \”. They are in love and are starting their married life from page 1. This of course brings us to the next cute scene :). Zohaib wearing his sharwani and Dua her wedding dress dupatta.

Again, Zohaib is such a sweet and simple person, when Dua asks him to bring her some water the poor guy doesn\’t even realize she is playing a prank. He gets laughed at by the entire family and even then he is happy to see a smile on Dua\’s face. Our drama writers could learn a lot from this episode alone. You don\’t have to write double meaning dialogues or create vulgar situations to get the viewers to laugh. Just give us relatable characters and simple amusing situations that are genuinely funny, that\’s all we ask for in the name of humor.

So, Dua started cooking and like every bride she cooked kheer first. Zohaib\’s response to this was as sweet as the kheer itself \” too delicious \” :). A response Arsala is already used to and Dua was expecting to hear. The guy isn\’t a hunk or some macho stud who has a romantic line prepared in advance for every situation but it\’s his innocence, his simplicity and honestly that makes him so likable.

Now coming to scenes that mad me mad. In complete contrast to Zohaib\’s Lovy dovy perfect family, Jahan Ravi chain hi chain likhta hai is Hamza\’s twisted world. Darkness and evil lurks there ( just kidding but it really could ). Hamza is done feeling sorry for himself, I thought whenever that happened I would be a happy camper but no, destiny and the writer has other plans. Now that Hamza is done feeling sorry, his evil, self-centered brain is coming up with plans to hurt all those people who are in one way or another responsible for his unhappiness. And the person on top of that list are his own parents.

Hamza was threatening his mom, which was completely ridiculous. So, her husband left her and she married again, is that a crime ? Her second husband dosen\’t like Humza but how is she responsible for that ? She calls him every chance she gets, she comes to visit him and despite his Jalli katti batain, she has never turned her back on him. After his mom, the next person on his \” hit list \” is Dua.

He knows she is married and if she is not happy then she is not miserable either and a rational person would give Dua the right to choose between her husband and him. But no not Humza, according to him \” it\’s my way or the highway \”. What Dua wants, dosen\’t matter. This guy has too much free time on his hands, I am also wondering how he makes ends meet ? Since he is too busy stalking Dua and coming up with evil plans to destroy her life.

After receiving his threats Dua came to Hamza\’s house to settle everything once and for all. Bad idea. If you ask me, the girl should have called her husband and explained everything from Hamza\’s sudden arrival at their honeymoon till date. Zohaib is a sensible man, it would have been a good idea to consult him, take him into confidence and then decide how they wanted to tackle the situation together. Dua did not mince her words, she told Hamza it was over. If I could change One thing about this scene, it would be the camera circling around Dua and Hamza, it gave me a headache.

Again when Dua came back home, she lied to Zohaib about her whereabouts. Not a good idea.

Hamza is now bent upon getting revenge. I have a feeling he is gonna choose Arsala to get an entry into Dua\’s house. She would be the easiest and simplest target.
Looking forward to the next episode.


Written by Kiran

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Ishq Parast Episode 11 review