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ashar and khirad (1)

Having been on a break I thought I would start out by watching a little of episode 8 to get my bearings , of course I ended up watching all of it and like any addict went on to the next hit without a break . If I compare both episodes, eight seems to be the sharper one. Could it be my own feeling of a slow train wreck approaching that made me feel episode nine could have done with some editing? Is it my intense dislike of Khizar and his creeping, slithering way into Khirad and Asher’s life that I dislike or is it his performance? I cannot say I was particularly impressed the first time I saw Noor Hassan and the second time did not change my mind. His dialogue delivery seemed forced, even rushed and my eyes hurt after seeing those skin tight acid wash jeans. In fact the only time I liked him was his screen time with Sara. His voice over confessions of love anis disappointment at her indifference were more believable. I actually enjoyed The scene where she snubs him at the artlly and then condescendingly accepts his gift. It seems as though Sara had the measure of him, unlike Khirad.images (79)

I could understand Khirad helping him but what I couldn’t understand was how she allowed him between her and Asher. With each passing scene it is obvious that Asher is becoming increasingly irritated by Khizar’s fawning over his wife. Some of Khirad’s uncomfortable looks, her hesitation at accepting a lift from him show she is aware of it too. My own theory is that she never considered Khizar important enough to think Asher might feel threatened or insecure. Each time they have a spat, the underlying reason is Khizar but never mentioned. I have to say I love the whole dinner table scene: beautifully done. Fawad Khan was the star of this episode. The whole headache scene and Khirad massaging his head till she fell asleep had me smiling. Again Asher feels reassured; she is so caring she must love him.

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This is where the age difference between Asher and Khirad plays out and works to Khizar and Farida’s advantage. That epic dancing in the rain scene has a purpose. I could feel the atmosphere change slightly when Khirad calls Asher a Budhi rooh, though they walk off to have some tea happily enough. I should really devote an entire post to that rain scene, from beginning to end it was perfect, so simple and yet so intimate. Khirad’s clothes, the matching colors Asher wears: they seem to be in perfect harmony. There is no doubt that Asher is deeply in love with his young wife and really cannot help being very possessive of her. A fact that naïve Khirad never picks up on.download (10)

The last scene I must mention is what I like to call Khirad and her green suite. As usual Mahirah looks simply goddess like in that beautiful green dress and Asher is the besotted husband to the hilt, not even allowing her to ride home with the driver. The he sees her standing next to Khizar as she enters the party, who is coincidentally (?) also, dressed in green and his entire attitude changes 180degrees.Within the space of ten minutes or else love changes to anger and jealousy. We know in the next episode he won’t pick her up from the party and just as Asher and Khirad are confused and sad so is the viewer : I kept saying along with the rest of the country : “please don’t let this happen “


 written by Sadaf 

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