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In the last episode Baseerat was ill and in this episode we had to bid him a sad goodbye. I found Baseerat’s death a little abrupt but in the main it was handled well.It was so sad seeing Asher just standing silently by while Baseerat warns him to take care of Khirad. At first viewing I thought how strange this was , I would have thought his last words to Asher would have been to take care of his mother but as we all found out later Farida did not need taking care of. The scene of Khirad and Asher looking out of a window after Baseerat stood out for me because of Fawad’s acting. There was so much pain etched on his face it brought me too tears. Though out this Farida did not strike me as hateful or villainous at all but some of her behavior was strange: when Khirad and Asher are begging her to eat instead of talking about her loss or she suddenly started to comfort Khirad on the loss of her Mamoo .The way the camera took Asher in as a sad, silent witness to this made it seem as if she was talking to him rather than Khirad. At the time I thought it was a little unrealistic but just par for the course in dramas.images (78)

The rest of the episode was focused on the introduction of the world’s most annoying person in the form of Khizar.  When Khirad goes to college and meets new people of her own age group, I could just feel her sense of relief and freedom. All the pressures of looking after her cancer struck mother, her sudden marriage, the demands of living up to being Asher Hussein’s wife, Sara and all her own personal self-doubt were suddenly pushed to one side. In college she wasn’t the poor relation but someone who earned respect and attention through her own hard work and natural talent. I noticed how she introduced herself as Khirad Ehsaan. Though she does not hide her married status there is an element of wanting that old independence again. Sarmad Khoosats cameo as Professor Idris would have been ordinary enough except for the moustache he was sporting .Maria you are so right , Sarmad Khoosat does have a Moonch for every occasion: one suspects he has a drawer full of them just ready for use.images (79)

Asher was annoyed at Khizar from day one. Khirad is sitting in their living room babbling away about her day at college and as soon as he mentions Khizar’s name we see a slight change in Asher’s expression. At the time I found it kind of amusing, it seemed to show how deeply Asher had fallen for Khirad that he did not even want to hear her mention another man’s name. This time I noticed how he was sitting next to Farida rather than Khirad, it was as if he was back to being his mother’s son. The contrast between Asher’s friendship with Sara and Khirad’s relationship with Khizar was obvious. Despite going to Yale, despite all the liberal education in the world when it came to his wife Asher Hussain just couldn’t bear the thought of sharing. He may have made the gesture of encouraging Khirad to complete her studies but was not expecting the amount of time she would spend away from him. The scene of him coming home late and waking Khirad up by jumping on the bed …Priceless. Sigh, I nearly fainted .It was just so adorable and more than a little mischievous compared to what I had seen in other Pakistani dramas. Both Mahirah and Fawad played it so well, could they look more perfect and beautiful?images (83)

Yes they could; with Khirad in a beautiful pink suite and Asher yawning at wasted Sunday morning. “Khirad tum homework karti kitni cute lagti ho “. There could be little doubt as to what was on his mind. All those sweet intimate moments in Humsafar have an authenticity to them that is rarely seen in other dramas. Firstly it was the chemistry between the two leads but I am sure it also had a lot to do with Sarmad and his Dop too. My last word is for Khizar ,I still don’t understand how Khirad could not have just ignored him. He was pushy and annoying ,with little to recommend him .I kept thinking how proud and cool Khirad had acted with Asher so why was she willing to be so friendly with a relative stranger like Khizar ?

written by Sadaf 

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