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Roh has  been kind enough to cover for me this week 

When I watched Humsafar for the 1st time, I had 3 tabs open in my browser. Youtube, Google translate (Urdu to English) and the Humsafar Wikipedia page. I read the spoilers all the time, because I’m a sucker for spoilers. And inspite of that, I was shocked out of my wits with the turn of events in this episode. Yes, generally I’m as thick as a plank. But in this case I also think that the screenplay was so brilliant that no matter how much one knew in advance, one was surely affected by this episode.

Moving on to the revelation of the mega plot. Sara seemed to be accepting all of Ashar’s refusals fairly easily – dinner, leaving for home earlier than scheduled. Was it only me who saw “that look” on her face when he talked about her getting married? In retrospect, it almost seemed to me as a look of “oh yeah, you’re soon going to be married to me, you know!”images (99)

Ashar was clearly restless in the hotel, as Khirad was devastated at home. Remembering their time together, probably made Ashar realize how unreasonable and nasty he was to her, for no fault of hers. What a relief, when he actually picked up the phone to call her! **phew** When her phone rang, I almost thought she wouldn’t answer it. But she did, and what a heartwarming beautiful conversation that was. “Nahin, mein aapse bilkul naraaz nahi hoon.” I loved loved loved Mahira’s voice modulation here for the umpteenth time! My eyes still flood every time during this conversation.images (100)

Coming to Khirad’s ego, that has been discussed before; I felt this scene showed even more that she didn’t have an ego but self respect. In a situation like this, when she was wronged, a big ego would have been a good reason to ignore the call.

Farida didn’t give me hint about what she was up to. It’s only when I watched it again, did I catch those glances and “innocent” statements which were actually so loaded. The plot unfolded, and went exactly as per her script. Ashar saw what she wanted him to see, Khirad was clearly losing the battle, and Khizar emerged as one of the key connivers.How Khirad pleaded! Every second in Khizar’s house was heart wrenching. And his summing up with “all is fair in love and war” was perfectly revolting.download (13)

Finally we heard Baseerat’s words that were ringing in Farida’s head ever since episode#2. Today she had taken the reins in her hand, and was out to give it right back.

Khirad was assertive and anguished when she spoke to Farida on returning home. But as Farida went on to expose her true feelings for Khirad, she (K) realized what she was actually up against. After stating in strong words that this was her husband’s house and she wouldn’t leave till he returned, Khirad saw that she didn’t stand a chance in this whole scheme. And that Farida might really physically throw her out, so she just let go of her stance and left the house in despair.video_xmqnqh

The conversation between Khirad and Noorafza brought out the extent of Farida’s plan even more. She had carefully planned out every step, and so far it was progressing  like clockwork.

Splendid work by Farida, Zarina, Khizar, Ashar and Khirad. Farida was fantastic in changing over from a supporting MIL to the complete vamp in a split second. Zarina’s acting skills showing her tension was superb. It fell right into place for the plot to work. Khizar, the traitor, inspite of what I think of his dialogue delivery, made us hate him for what he did, which was the desired response. Have to give it to him, to make that happen. Ashar – well, he just took his part further with his talent. Mahirah, Mahirah, Mahirah. At the risk on being on a stuck record, to me no one else could have been Khirad. Her performance was par brilliant, and this was her episode completely.mqdefault (2)

If I were watching Humsafar when it was aired, I would have had ulcers waiting for the next episode. It wouldn’t have been a week  or 7 days, but 604800 seconds while I bit my nails and reached my elbows!

This episode must have got diverse reactions from everyone –those who read the novel, and those who didn’t. Those who adored Ashar, and those who loved Khirad. Everyone must have a memory attached to watching this episode. Please share your thoughts and memories. And if you watched it real time, please also tell us how you lived till the next episode!

Written by ROH






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