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After today’s episode, I can only marvel at how tough it is to be a mother – or indeed, a parent. You have to swallow your pride and your ego and almost everything for your kids.

I just loved today’s episode because it had ALL my favourite scenes from the novel. Hareem is finally getting to know her father, and inadvertently, also involving her mother in every activity. Thus, they are now beginning to act more and more as a family.

Although I understand Khirad is remaining silent to all of Ashar’s unfair insults only for Hareem’s sake, I am finding it really, really annoying. But the comment about Ashar being the fire and Khirad being the ice is so apt and spot on that it does explain his aggressiveness and the way she holds back from retorting something back.

The only change from the novel is that Ashar has brought Khirad and Hareem to his house (and what an excellent way to show Khirad’s flashbacks – hats off, Sarmad Khoosat!) and not the apartment. It did not make a difference of course, only that you would expect servants to talk and gossip away in the house. But with Farida aunty safely in America, their gossip cannot really do much damage. And in the next episode, Sarah will see them in the restaurant anyway. Oh, how forward I am looking to that particular scene!

Written by Drama Buff ([email protected])

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Humsafar – Episode 16