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Finally the story started moving forward, Adeel has decided GER is the girl for him ( although his reasons are not at all romantic ), GER’s phoppo very publicly announced her decision of marrying Zafri with GER, Ashir Bhai got a job and GER is finally becoming her old self ( the confident, out spoken girl we met in the first episode ).

Adeel and Kamal Sahab have always been siding with Adeel’s phoppos and not with Shahida. Even when they knew they were greedy and manipulative. Shahida always lived in fear but now after GER has entered the equation Adeel has shifted his sympathies. He is acting like her ” Guardian Angel “. Every single time she is under attack from her cousins ( who by the way have outlived their welcome ) or from her phoppos and Zafri, somehow out of no where its  ” Adeel To The Rescue “. When it happened once even twice, we got the message. Adeel was protecting her, looking out for her, sending a message to everyone to leave her alone but the director decided to keep repeating it like 20 times, so the viewers sitting home would understand. There was hardly one time when GER got the opportunity to take a stand for herself and she did it. By the way, when does Adeel go to work ? He is always home when GER comes back from college.

Zafri is an idiot, by now that is an established fact. GER has never given him any mixed signals but he still insists on being a bane. That kitchen scene where he startled GER, earned him a tight slap, I don’t know why she didn’t do it. He is a creep and she should have slapped him if not then atleast ” tabeyyet saaf to zaroor kerni chaheyay the ” but as always, she just let it go.

I have always said Gulab Khan is my favorite, in the first scene he did a good job but that ” chai jhooti kernay aur cheeni khanay wala scene ” was just YUKH, unnecessary and uncalled for. Why did they add these silly things to the drama ?

As for adding scenes, GER, her sister and mother are always missing GER’s late father. Every time they think of him, in flashbacks we keep on seeing the same badminton match, the director should have shot a few extra scenes for us to watch in flashbacks. It would have been interesting to see new and different things instead of repeating this one scene.

Now coming to ” Maria Ki Birthday “, this scene for some reason reminded me of those 70s, 80s Pakistani movies, in which Super Rich Heroines’ Zalim Dady invites the poor hero to his daughters’ birthday, only to ambush them. Right before/after the cake cutting ceremony, he would announce his daughter’s engagement to the villain and of course the heart broken hero couldn’t leave the party without singing a sad song. Anyways, coming back to this party, I couldn’t understand why Zafri’s mom would do such a silly thing . She is an experienced woman, she should have known it was safer to go through proper channel…talk to Muneera and convince her/emotionally blackmail her, lie to Kamal Ahmed by telling him that both Zafri and GER want this and then announce the engagement. She just ignored what everyone else would think and say and that’s why her plan didn’t work. Adeel is known for being ” moun phatt ” but I still feel, it was not his place to object, it should have been Kamal Ahmed.

Ashir Bhai finally got a job and I would have been so happy to see him and GER getting married and settling down but alas. He is such a sweet guy, good natured, sensitive and the actor has done a good job with this character. He has made Ashir Bhai so likable. Even though he  is not gonna get his ” happily ever after with GER ” I am however interested in seeing what role will this guy play in GER’s life if she ends up marrying Adeel, not that I have any high hopes from the director but still, I am curious.

So GER is tired of being pushed around, she has decided to put a stop to it all. I am glad she is not intimidated by her phoppo and cousins and she is not running in circles around Adeel but unfortunately this attitude of hers is not gonna help her. Adeel is somehow taking her ” na ” as ” Haan “. Someone needs to explain to this guy when a girl says no, then no means no. But since he is not a regular good guy hero, he is not planning on marrying her out of ” love ” but out of ” ZID “. No points on guessing, things are gonna get really ugly, really soon.

The promos show GER slapping Adeel, yaaaaaaaaa now thats something to look forward to :). In the words of ” Maryam Mehdi “, ” klajay ko thand pernay wali feeling ” :)

Before I wind up this review just one thing that I need to discuss. I was following the comments made by viewers on GER’s page and it was like we were watching two entirely different shows. They were all praises for Adeel and they loved the story. I can’t understand why ? If anyone out there can explain this, please do.



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Gul-E-Rana…Episode 6