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This week’s episode was a lot slower and more than a little uneven. Last week Mohini was given an ultimatum by Rahat Hashmi to Leave Omar forever or he would not pay for his medical treatment. Mohini’s mother Asma tries to sell their apartment and Nomi borrows money to help them but none of it is enough. Nothing can ever be enough because Omar Injuries are being exaggerated by the hospital and his treatment plan hyped up so Mohini and her family can never afford it. This is all part of Hashmi senior’s plan to get Omar’s back and sadly for Mohini it succeeds.

The best scenes were the ones with Mohini in them. I really was not too enamored of Sana Javaid in Pyarey Afzal but here she is truly the leading lady.  Usman Peerzada was back to his usual screaming instead of acting routine in his confrontation with Mohini and almost ruined the entire essence of this very important scene. Thank God for Sana who held up her end with a controlled, underplayed helplessness which saved the day and quite possibly the episode? I hope the director has reined him in for next week’s episode.

Usman Peerzada is much better in his scenes with Tara Mahmood. Mr. and Mrs. Hashmi are certainly an odd pair but somehow they have that screen chemistry which makes them just as interesting as the junior crowd. Haniya Hashmi is an interesting character, an elegant fashion designer with a heart of gold and enough strength to live with megalomaniac like Mr. Hashmi without hating him. Tara Mahmood is fabulous and boy would I like to have her wardrobe. I cannot believe this is the same person who played the awful first wife in Silvatein.

Zaib un Nisa’s character has revealed a few strange details about her links to Hashmi senior. She tells Haniya that she came because of her mother’s wishes and that her family owes the Hashmi family a lot. These characters is still a bit” hit and miss” for me and I am waiting to see how she unfolds.

From the first episode Goya has been quality viewing but this week’s episode was inconsistent .This was supposed to be a decisive episode, a turning point but it did not have quite the dramatic punch I was expecting. A lot of that has to do with whoever makes the promos who doesn’t know how to make a teaser without giving away the entire story but some has to do with the writing. Nomi’s character in particular had the most boring dialogues and thought shouting might spice things up? I think this episode could have easily been combined with last weeks to make a much more interesting and tighter story but I acknowledge writers are being forced to stretch stories to make a serial commercially viable for a channel to run . ARY Digital is notorious for this.

Many people will have noticed the similarity between certain elements of this story and the Bollywood movie Dil , quite frankly if it is well made and entertaining who cares who inspired whom. Team Goya , please get back to sharp , well-made thriller of a romance we have had for the last 11 episodes .

And can we have Osman ….er ..  I mean Omar Hashmi back please, enough with the sleeping beauty routine. On a lighter note :no one can possibly look that handsome with so many injuries … Mohini girl, you are mad to leave him he’s cute even when he is sick, just sneak back in a couple weeks and say you forgot your purse or something . That reminds me, while we are all worrying about Omar and his injuries everyone seems to have forgotten that Mohini is pregnant.. No one is taking care of her at all. I am hoping the tragedy quotient does not go up and that baby survives.


goya 42written By Sadaf 


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Goya Episode 12 Review