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This week’s episode of Goya doesn’t let up on what is fast becoming its USP : the fast paced romantic, thriller.

Devastated as I am to see the super talented Gohar Rasheed go, I am glad the writers did not sugar coat his end. Adnan Vaziri’s death  is sadly typical for most drug users however well they may seem to function at a superficial level. Gohar Rasheed’s portrayal of a man on who dances on the edge so well that you forget he might actually fall was a delight to watch. Meanwhile, Omar is naively convinced of his father’s superpowers and is sure that he has blighted the lives of all those he loves. In a way I cannot blame him; two deaths of in such close proximity and the constant shadow of his father’s eyes watching, waiting for him to fail is a lot of pressure. Omar is has literally fallen  into the deep edge of the ocean, lost in a chain of events out of his control. Again Osman Khalid Butt impresses by underplaying and allowing the slow dawning of Omar’s helplessness to play out in his body language and expressions.

A dazed and confused Omar has a minor accident from which he should easily recover but Senior Hashmi sees his opportunity and strikes. Apparently doctors in Pakistan sell their ethics like mangoes on street corners even if they are wealthy enough to have their entire family live in LA (Los Angeles), which is a pretty expensive city even by American standards. So Dr Iqbal tells an exasperated Mohini that her husband requires extensive care, including surgery on a nonexistent spinal injury and an equally imaginary fractured rib. Sadly it seems as though Mohini believes him.

The path of true love never did run smooth but I think aaj kal key ashiq thorey ziyada nazuk misaaj hai .A few hurdles and both Mohini and Omar are feeling guilty, as if they have placed an unnecessary burden on each other with their marriage. Despite her innate common sense and comparatively practical upbringing, Mohini is also an only child like Omar. Neither have had the advantage of seeing cousins and friends getting married or shared in the wealth of experience that might act as a support system or at the least give them perspective on their situation . Sana Javaid and Farah Shah , have some great chemistry and thank goodness , they are a sermon free zone. Uzma is a caring mother without being the usual prophet of doom  , with the  matching eye rolls and  predictions of loss  we are usually forced to endure. What I love the most is Uzma’s caring but not overpowering attitude to Omar.

A word about our menacing red king Rahat Hashmi; seeing him in what looked like my Dad’s Pj’s took the edge off the sinister image he had been presenting but Usman Peerzada efforts are paying off , by the end of the episode I was back to hating him. The pretty Bengali housekeeper and the beautiful Mrs. Hashmi’s fabulous wardrobe are keeping up the mystery and glamour  quotient in the big house. Could the housekeeper be Rahat’s daughter? Where do all those incredibly elegant clothes come from and could Mohini borrow them?

Again, great direction from Faiz , excellent writing from Mohammad Ahmed Saheb and Yasir Rana combine with a cast whose talent and  energy make this  a must watch. Here is the antidote to all the ‘the other wife’, ‘my evil husband’ and ‘my mother in law/ sister in law is an evil mastermind’ stories which are slowly reducing the nation’s collective thought processes and morals to mush.

Ps why is Nomi so whiny .. yes I know you lost Mohini and this is the reason .. do you ever say anything positive ?


goya 42written By Sadaf Haider


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Goya Episode 10 Review