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GHAAO Catch up episodes 10-14


So many serials I watch lose their luster about now, simply because they are stretched so much for commercial reasons; luckily Ghaao just escapes that by a hair’s breath. Just when I think, hello; I know what is going to happen, a new twist comes along to surprise me.

The main track of Alizey and Dr Mohid is working really well and I am watching this for Fiza Ali and Sami Khan. So Alizey’s relationship to Sajjad Sir is revealed and good man that he is Dr Mohid takes it exactly in the right way by being terribly impressed with Alizey sacrifice and love. Naseema however is not impressed and it is only her worry for Areeshay and time which makes her finally forgive and accept this relationship. In fact the only one disappointed is Zarqa who had hoped to destroy her Son’s marriage and get rid of Alizey. Not only does the whole revelation work to Alizey’s advantage, she gains an ally in her father who changes his will. Thanks to the treatment facilitated by his newly found daughter Sajjad seems to be in recovery and even manages to welcomes Naseema back into the house.

The other track of Areesha is the most annoying part and I have to resist the urge to press the fast forward button. So Areeshay is persuaded into some hole in the corner marriage to the lafanga Romeo, Rohaan and is then blackmailed into becoming a drug mule for her rich friend Rosy‘s family. I am sorry but I think this whole scenario is even beyond my wild imagination .All of this as a childish act of rebellion against her sister? For what exactly, getting married instead of supporting Areeshay..? Maybe I am mean but I secretly wish it was even worse for Areeshay.

Sami Khan and Fiza Ali are doing a fabulous job of holding the story together.Their chemistry is great and they make everything believable. I am normally a fan of Samina Peerzada, her simple appearance on the screen is usually enough for me but I am finding her character hard to understand here. This is supposed to be a woman, who with her charm and guile takes over Sajjad’s business and destroys his family but she seems pretty transparent and obvious to me, there is simply no subtlety to her.  Good direction has kept all the tracks well blended apart from the Areeshay one which should have been a lot less prominent for me. I personally find the whole third sister Shanzey track really intriguing and am dying to know what Zarqa is hiding by secretly medicating her only daughter. I love, love Warda Butt she is adorable in any role. Next week’s promo shows that Dr Mohid will lose patience with Alizey and I cannot wait to find out why, because so far he thinks she walks on water. It would be nice to see if there are some hidden facets to our handsome young doctor just as there are to everyone in this serial.

 Written By Sadaf

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GHAAO Catch up episodes 10-14