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I fell in love with this drama serial last week. Yes, there is no other way of writing this. I aim for objectivity in my reviews, but in Durre-Shahwaar’s reviews, I am afraid I will be all gushy. When I saw the first episode last week, I felt as if ALL my complains in most of the previous reviews of other drama serials have been adequately addressed. Finally, there is a strong story with believable characters, outdoor settings, proper casting, spot on casting of extras who are doing a great job, AND an elderly couple which has a life of its own.

Episode 2 of the drama serial just concluded and I am still in awe. It was a beautiful episode. Most of the outdoor setting focused on the scenic landscape of Murree. The pace was mellow and the dialogues were beautiful. I remained hooked till the very end.

Shandana is now in Murree with Sofia, to spend some time with her parents. You can actually feel the pain and emotional turmoil she is going through – a pain that actually increases when she sees her parents so happy with and caring towards each other, especially her father. She believes her father to be the best husband in the world – of course, she compares Hyder with him, and the latter falls way, way short of her expectations. In flashbacks, we are slowly finding out why and how their relationship got so rocky that Hyder doesn’t even want to speak to her whenever he calls and content with speaking only to his daughter. AND we are also discovering that it really isn’t about her job or her work hours. If a couple is arguing the way they were on their honeymoon, the only thing you can conclude is that they had serious issues from the very beginning, which apparently never got sorted out. Interestingly, even after eight years, both of them are playing the blame game, without taking any responsibility themselves.

Durre-Shehwaar and Mansoor, on the other hand, may seem to be the perfect couple but, again in flashbacks, we are discovering that Mansoor was not always the perfect husband. In fact, Durre-Shehwaar is reminded of the past every time her daughter complains and her husband speaks up and utters all that Hyder “should do”.

It was amazing! I have no other words for it. The way all the flashbacks were placed indicate excellent editing. The past incidents and dialogues were totally in sync with the present-day dialogues and incidents. It was so evident that Mansoor has been guilty of some of the things for which he is now berating Hyder. The background score, now updated, blended perfectly with the scenes. The intensity with which the cast is portraying the characters they are playing is awesome. Every single one is doing a great job, even Sofia – the scene where she is trying to catch a pigeon with her grandfather in tow was so beautifully done. All the nana-nawasi scenes were a treat to watch as were the poignant ones where Shandana observes a honeymooning couple and reflects on her own. Finally, there is a serial by Umera Ahmed which has grey characters, and not the usual black-and-white which put you off from the very beginning!

I can probably go on forever. However, I must end here, commending the writer, the director, the cast and both the production houses for an excellent drama serial. I am only surprised they are not marketing it as much as they should – I mean, this is a masterpiece! I do hope that more and more people tune in to catch the latest in the life of Durre-Shehwaar and Shandana, which will unfold a little more next week. I am looking forward to it already.

Written by Drama Buff ([email protected])

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Durre-Shahwaar – Episode 2