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A round of applause please, for the amazing Anmol, who is living up to her name in every way. This week’s episode turned every one of the usual ghissey pittey dialogues and inane clichés we watch with numbing regularity on their heads. After dragging the Qazi to Mohid’s house and forcing a Nikkah on his family in a fit of anger she disappears. Like a wounded lioness, she withdraws to get some sense of peace and most importantly to plan, after her unbelievably sudden and daring decision to marry Mohid. It’s not as if I hadn’t been expecting something out of the ordinary from Anmol but her sheer sangfroid and complete lack of fear is what was so amazing. About this time most of our heroines start fainting or making declarations about izzat /Badnaami and how they are feeling everything “sachey dil sey “etc… In other words, capitulation and a climb down from any moral position what so ever. Not Anmol though, because she has absolutely no wish to normalize anything with Mohid. She has no desire to please his mother , the neighbors or anyone else and that makes her a dangerous woman . I am beginning to feel afraid for Mohid… but not much …

The biggest idol broken was that ‘izzat” is solely the burden and responsibility of the woman’s side. In our dramas (unlike real life), men and their families simply have no honour. They can do what they like without any repercussions, as if they have no need to save face or maintain any standards of behavior. Funnily enough , Mohid is the one trying to be nice to win Anmol and her family over , Mohid ‘s mother is the one making up stories to cover up Anmol’s antics while Anmol causes the commotion at the Nikkah with an unusual (as yet unknown) clause. I have to say my favourite scene this week was the look on the beychara Qazi’s face , when Anmol threatens to marry him if Mohid doesn’t marry her on the spot .Some may say Anmol is too bold , too much for a Pakistani woman ,( I disagree )but  even if she is “fiction only “ perhaps it is time women learnt the mazaa of taking control of their lives , we have had quite enough wallowing in the fictional delusion of helplessness .

While Mohid and his mother try to save their izzat (love how that sounds !) another front looks like its opening up . Mohid’s russi run of an annoying sister sits through the entire Nikkah as if she is about to burst with indignation. From the beginning it looked as if she was up to something and with laws of Karma coming into full play Mohid finds himself on the other side of his equation with Anmol. Uzma Hassan is great, I loved her in UBFN and now I just want to slap this silly  bholi larki girl character of hers . There is little to distinguish Anmol’s behavior from Mohid’s sisters except perhaps a level of intelligence and even more than that luck. So let’s see what happens to these very different young ladies who have decided to take their kismet in their own hands. Neither of them seem to care one jot about the feelings of the people who love them the most. Mohid’s sister came across as spoilt and jealous while Anmol was like a bulldozer rolling over her mother’s feelings.

Hats off to the entire team of Dillagi! ,. This such an easy drama to review, everyone is one the same page. Nadeem Baig keeps this drama going at the breakneck pace it requires without losing a moment of the story or the character’s feelings. Faiza Iftikhar has plotted a wonderfully subversive take on all the usual obsessed lover tropes and brought us a heroine we can hate but never fail to admire. The best part is Mehwish hayat who stands head and shoulders above everyone else, Brava !  Humayoon Saeed may well be the decorative but effective piece here and of course Saba Hamid is always an asset. Bechari Mohid ki Amma, it isn’t always pleasant to meet your own doppelganger .

By Sadaf 

This review originally appeared Here






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Dillagi Episode 6 Review