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demThis was a very sweet and engaging episode of Dil-e-Muzter. The story seems to be shaping up now. Silla and Adeel seemed to be doing quite well for first part of the episode and Zoya’s mother did not appreciate the way Adeel looks after Silla. She has a keen eye on everything that Adeel and Silla do and even has a problem with the amount of groceries Adeel buys!! I have to say that there are so many such people around us who cannot see couples getting along well wish that things weren’t so perfect for some people. Zoya on the other hand feels nothing but love and concern for Adeel and Silla. She does not let her mother talk her out of helping them both out because she feels that she has a connection with the couple and also believes that one should whatever they can in order to help people out. Zoya is a very important part of Adeel and Silla’s life now and now even Adeel does not get annoyed by her presence the way he used to. I found it rather odd though when Zoya volunteered to take Silla’s child to the doctor with Adeel, surely no one can be so naïve that they think it is alright to go out like that with someone’s husband no matter how close they are.

sallu bhaiNow the question is that why is Zoya not willing to marry her cousin, who is supposed to be a very eligible bachelor? The only reason she gave her mother was that she was not interested in living in Lahore and nothing more….well that is not good enough. But she also said that she will find someone herself…does that mean she is a romantic who will only get married when she meets someone she has been waiting for all this time? Zoya’s mother also pointed out that this was not the first time that she had refused a proposal but when Zoya was talking to Silla in one of the previous episodes she did show the desire to get married but she said that she had not found the right person yet. I think that says a lot about the kind of person Zoya is. Unlike many girls she won’t just get married to anyone but is sitting pretty waiting for her prince charming. The “Haye haye tum ne apne honto ko kiya kara liya bhai” dialogue was just too funny. Sarwat Gillani is spot on as Zoya and until now I really like her character.

All of the scenes with Adeel and Silla in them were very nicely done and very relatable. The way in which Adeel asks Silla to make sure the baby doesn’t cry and when Silla tells him he takes after Adeel was a conversation many couples must have had. The scene that followed was very sweet too.

One can clearly see that everything is going to change in the next episode when things start getting tougher for Adeel Adi silaanad Silla after Adeel losses his job. I really felt for them both and also for many other people out there who lose their job within hours because of downsizing. Adeel knows that he has to run the house alone and cannot rely on anyone and the thought makes him even more worried. Silla like always was there for Adeel but one could tell from the precap that very soon monetary issues and not being able to cope will be the prime reason for Adeel and Silla growing apart. Will Silla start working and leave her child with Zoya? I am really hoping that nothing happens to the child because that would be something unforgivable.

This episode was thoroughly entertaining, everyone acted very well and the direction was superb. Looking forward to the next episode.


Fatima Awan.

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Dil-e-Muzter – Episode 7