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Bravo Silla, you did a great job of handling a very difficult situation, Adeel will never know what hit him! I wasn’t expecting Silla to manage everything so well; it is so good to see a leading lady on screen for a change who is intelligent and also sensitive and caring. Usually the working women we see on our screens are selfish villainous creatures who can’t think of anyone else except themselves. Silla’s character is definitely a step towards the right direction; working women are just as capable of being good mothers as any other woman and most of all are good people at heart. The lyrics of the OST that played in the background when Silla is on her way home went to show that Silla still has feelings for Adeel, I know I can’t think of a good reason as to why she would still like that man but then there has to be a reason for those lyrics playing in the background. Although, Silla insists on treating Adeel like any other employee in the company but the fact is that meeting him after all these years has brought back memories and those are not bitter memories but memories of the love that they both shared once.

While, it is very difficult to think of a rational reason for Silla feeling the way she does but there are many many reasons why Adeel should be feeling the way he is. He lost such a special person and “replaced” her with someone like Zoya. Having said that, Adeel still holds Silla responsible for what happened. I really liked the scene in which he tries to make Sami understand that he wasn’t the only one at fault and Sami won’t listen to him.

Zoya ripped Silla off all she had but after all these years Silla still has more than she does. Zoya wanted Adeel and his love, Adeel may have married her but he does not feel anything for her. Zoya’s mother’s suggestion was most ridiculous; I am surprised that Zoya will actually go along with what she said. Zoya is a very negative person, no doubt about that but she was never greedy. Yes, she drooled over Silla’s dresses so many years back too and stole her jewelry as well but her main focus was getting Silla out of Adeel’s life. Zoya asking Adeel to take Silla back would actually not be in line with her character but a very interesting twist in the story nevertheless!!

The best part of today’s episode of course was the scene when Silla talks to Adeel about his presentation. I simply loved her confidence and no-nonsense attitude. I was expecting Adeel to react like the angry young man he was so many years ago but he didn’t do so. I also thought that there might still be some kind of a romantic connection between the two but thank God we were spared all of that. Safina asks Silla to think about getting married but she won’t hear of it, the only thing that is really annoying me now is that Silla is still Adeel’s wife and she still holds whatever they had in the past very dear to her.

Dil-e-Muzter till now has proved to be a very entertaining play. The entire team deserves the credit; the script has some very interesting twists and turns, the direction has been excellent, most of the actors have done a very good job, Sarwat Gillani and Rabia Naureen in particular and the editing team deserves credit too for a job very well done. I am definitely looking forward to watching more plays directed by Shehzad Kashmiri in the future too and have very high hopes that Aliya Bukhari will not let us down and end things nicely.


Fatima Awan

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Dil-e-Muzter – Episode 18